How can I cancel my marriage visa in Chiang Mai without divorce papers and switch to a 60-day COVID extension?

September 5, 2021
3 years ago
Ange ********
i am in chiang mai and i need to cancel my marriage visa before it expires sept 27. i want to apply apply for the 60 day extension based on covid. i am not in good terms with my ex and am not yet divorced (but hoping that will get sorted soon). my tm30 still says i live at his family’s house (as it has for 3

years) but i’m staying with friends at the moment. must i change it now? or can it wait for the divorce...? my 90 day will be renewed prior to all of this.

since i don’t have divorce papers, can i just go to immigration to cancel and make the switch? or is there some document i might need? or some problems i might run into?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is currently in Chiang Mai, looking to cancel their marriage visa before its expiration on September 27. They wish to apply for a 60-day extension due to COVID and are uncertain about the process since they have not yet divorced their spouse and their TM30 form still lists their spouse's family residence. The user inquires whether they need to change their TM30 to reflect their current living situation, and whether they can cancel their marriage visa without divorce papers. Responses suggest consulting the local immigration office for specific requirements, as practices may vary, and typically a divorce decree may be needed to cancel the marriage-based extension.
Tod *********
When does your current extension expire?
Tod *********
@Ange *******
I mis read and you already say your marriage extension expires on the 27th of Sept (which coincidentally is the same day that the 60 day covid extension program stops 😮 ) That was what caused my confusion and my question.

Just go apply for a 60 day covid extension, you don't need to tell them anything, you don't need to change your address, don't need to cancel anything, just use the exact same address you've used for your marriage extensions, and if they ask why you're getting it say you're not ready to apply for a new marriage extension yet because you need some more paperwork.
Ange ********
@Tod ********
oh you’re the best tod. srsly. thank you 🙏🏻
Ange ********
can i cancel my extension based on marriage without divorce papers?
Benjamin ******
@Ange *******
I would say that you can not cancel your extension of stay based on marriage without first either getting divorced, or getting another valid long term extension of stay (like employment).
Ange ********
@Benjamin *****
shit. that could be a problem. i guess i will have to go into the office early, and try to talk with them, and if they refuse then i still have time to somehow convince my ex to give me a divorce...

or find another extension.

thank you.
Benjamin ******
>must i change it now?

That'll be an "ask your local immigration office" question. Some are fine using the same TM30, and others want a new TM30 filed no later then one business day after you start staying at a location.

>, can i just go to immigration to cancel and make the switch? or is there some document i might need?

They will probably want the divorce decree to cancel the one year extension of stay based on marriage. You can ask them of course.
Ange ********
@Benjamin *****
thank you for the reply. just a note it’s an extension of stay based on marriage.

what if i cannot get the divorce/papers before the extension runs out? i do not want to apply for another extension based on marriage (and i think he would refuse anyways) will i still be able to get the 60 day extension? this is my main concern as my ex is refusing divorce atm.
Benjamin ******
@Ange *******
>will i still be able to get the 60 day extension? t

IF they are still selling the 60 day extension of stay based on unable to travel due to COVID-19, and the requirements to get that extension of stay have not changed, then you should be able to get that extension of stay without any problems.
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