Can I re-enter Thailand multiple times on a tourist visa after a trip to Bali?

Oct 4, 2024
13 days ago
Deano *************
Hi can I grab some advice while it kind of runs in the same question! Currently packing up my life in the uk ( after messy divorce ) I’m starting of in Thailand from the 15th of next month! For 60days and the apply for the extension. Then I’ll be leaving to go to Bali for a week will I be able to re enter and do the same thing. Will be wanting to hopefully stay until June with going out to Cambodia etc.. then will be in Ibiza for 3 months from June. Then ideally would like to go back to Thailand.. is there a rule on how many times you can enter or has that been scrapped! Cheers in advance
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is preparing to move to Thailand following a divorce and wants advice on their travel plans, which include staying in Thailand for 60 days, applying for a visa extension, and traveling to Bali and Cambodia. They inquire about the rules regarding re-entering Thailand and the frequency of entries on a tourist visa. Responses indicate that while it is possible to re-enter Thailand multiple times, issues can arise after prolonged stays on short visas. Users suggest considering a Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) for long-term plans.
Robert ********
I don’t see any problem with that.
Osian ********
@Robert *******
yes i always understood it that they hate the border hoppers but those that fly out for a period then fly back in again are virtually never pulled up.
Robert ********
@Osian *******
Right. That’s not the people on a budget with backpacks trying to stay long time ;)
Deano *************
@Osian *******
yeh that’s what I’ll be doing so 🤞so should be all good. Cheers
Deano *************
@Robert *******
see why can’t I find stuff like that.. always good to ask other people. Thanks that’s made me feel better
Robert ********
@Deano ************
Get the app “arc search”. It searches on multiples sites for you and structures what it finds
Deano *************
@Robert *******
will do thanks
Darren *******
Immigration stamp for 30 days more enjoy , we love Thailand especially Koh Samui going again for 3 mths soon , we book our hotels etc through our own travel membership highly recommend it amazing discounts with additional credits on top to , link available on request ✈️🌴😊
Deano *************
@Darren ******
yeh I already booked my accommodation on with Agoda used them for years and always yeh perks. But thanks roll on next month
Darren *******
@Deano ************
fantastic enjoy 😊 🌴
John **********
Take a look at the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa which is designed for exactly the scenarios you describe. Every time you enter Thailand during the 6 months validity of the visa you get stamped in for 60 days which can be extended by a further 30 days at an immigration office
Ian ********
@John *********
thats what i am on . It works for me. Especialy as not sure if i like it here anymore
Eric ******
@John *********
they still offer those? Seems like I read when I applied for my Non O in July they weren’t available anymore. That was first choice. I could be mistaken, but the Non was pretty easy to get. What is the main difference in them? Same requirements? And could I apply in a neighboring country? My 90 days is in a few weeks. Thanks.
John **********
@Eric *****
the METV is only available in your home country. The Non-O can be extended for 12 months inside Thailand if you meet the requirements
Deano *************
@John *********
yeh I read that but wasn’t to sure hence me asking for advice cheers pal 👍
Frank **********
Questions like this are asked ,20 times a day. Searching the group is very helpful.
Deano *************
@Frank *********
not all people have answers you want to know hence the question
William ****************
Tell nobody in Thailand your business....tell absolutely no body about how much money you have and how you got many people with a smile on their faces want to rip you off,including x the book A fool in Paradise.
Deano *************
@William ***************
cheers mate.. yeh I get it I don’t talk about my business or anything like that.. believe me I’ve had enough of it in the uk
Andy **********
@William ***************
so true, you just need to remember, you can't trust everyone, if someone is a bit naive and trusting of everyone, they can get scammed, someone once said to me, his girlfriend had the face of an angel, but the heart of a pirate!!🤷🙆🤦 😂🤣😂
Ramone *******
@Andy *********
haha! I love this!
Paul ********
@Andy *********
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 love that
Bruno ***********
@William ***************
best advice for OP 😉
Deb ********
Now you've announced you're divorced, just sold your house and have lots of need to be aware of people now who state they will help you and/or meet with you. If they start asking you for money to do things for you, you're being scammed!
Ian ********
@Deb *******
very good advice . You get wxpats that will scam you just as much as locals do
Deano *************
@Deb *******
never said I have lots of money just said I sold my house and just finalised my divorce… don’t have lots of money by a long stretch but I don’t take no prisoners when it comes to things like that.. my ex was a copper.. but thanks appreciate the comment
Deb ********
@Deano ************
All good, just dislike seeing good people get scammed, it's a reminder for everyone really...! All the best for your new chapter of life.
Deano *************
@Deb *******
thank you appreciate that. I completely understand tho
Baz *********
If you go to Cambodia then spend a few days in Phnom Penh and have a look around..

Well worth a visit
Deano *************
@Baz ********
oh I am I’m spending 4 days there before going to Koh Rong for 12
Bart **************
@Deano ************
don't take your phone with you on the street. Don't take any money either. Just a few dollars, and keep them in your shoes. Don't leave them in your hotel either. Just don't have cash. Keep your phone in a different city while you're in PP and get it back later.
Deano *************
@Bart *************
sounds a bit extreme mate
Baz *********
@Bart *************
Sounds like you are being a little paranoid in my opinion..

I have been to Cambodia and Phnom Penh several times and never had any problems with theft ..

You just need to use some common sense and don't offer easy opportunities for pick pockets or leave your personal items laying around the same as you do anywhere you travel and especially in SE Asia..

Don't get very drunk or drugged and leave yourself as an easy target is also a good idea.

If you cannot manage basic things like that then perhaps Cambodia isn't the place for you.
Bart **************
@Baz ********
paranoid? Have you ever read reviews about hotels in PP? They are virtually all the same. All hotels score good, regardless of quality, because virtually everyone writes "staff was so helpful after I got robbed". I've searched pages about the matter and someone writes that "you're safe in PP, as long as you give out your phone and wallet straight when the robbery happens". That was a "when" I read, not "if". She suggested just planning the robbery in your traveling budget.

Yeah I was surprised too, but at least we can pass the info along.
Baz *********
@Bart *************
I can only offer my personal experiences and never had a problem after several trips to Cambodia including Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville..

In fact after more than 30 trips through SE Asia in over 20+ years the only thing I ever lost was a phone once in Bangkok years ago which was completely my own fault anyway..

I would take far less notice of the reviews which tend to attract mostly people who have something to complain about and just focus on your own instincts and common sense.. 😁
Deano *************
@Baz ********
cheers yeh I’m not stupid and have very much common sense.. I know what to do and not. I’ll be there for a few day for heading to Koh Rong
Baz *********
@Deano ************
It's an interesting city and has quite a bit nightlife and bars if that interests you..

Also quite good value for money accommodation..

Stay close to the Riverfront area and enjoy 😉
Deano *************
@Baz ********
yeh will be going over with a friend so definitely up for a bit of nightlife since this dreadful divorce from my ex husband 😂… then off to the paradise of Cambodia I here koh rong
Andrew *********
Hit me up when your in Bali I live there now . Over 34 years experience in Asia 22 of them were in Thailand.
SJ *******
@Andrew ********
of course you want to help him divorced sold his house...cashed up and green ripe for the picking...fresh meat.
Deano *************
@SJ ******
I am here you know. Jesus some people think people are thick for asking questions. I’m nearly 40 mate and lived and quite savvy on things.. simple fact I wanted to know more information I couldn’t give a shit what you may think people will do.. as it won’t happen..
SJ *******
@Deano ************
great news but be careful of friendly approaches plenty of desperadoes in the wilds of South East Asia both locals and farangs.
Deano *************
@SJ ******
will do thanks 🙏
Andrew *********
@SJ ******
only a sick man would have those thoughts .
Deano *************
@Andrew ********
will do mate nice one. What’s your best advice
Andrew *********
@Deano ************
depends on your circumstances Deano but very easy to get anything done if you have money and the correct contacts .
Deano *************
@Andrew ********
well just divorced my husband mate sold my house and packing up.. so got savings and will also be working while I travel which I can do.. so drop me a message. Because I definitely don’t want to be going back to the uk unless I’m visiting
Andrew *********
@Deano ************
. You need a base if your staying long term easy to travel south east asia so Just to give you an idea my house i rent ( 2 beds unfurnished ) is in English money is £1100 a year = £3 a day my visa is £500 a year this is in Bali .
Deano *************
@Andrew ********
I’ve give you a inbox mate
Tim *********
oh god another ..nut job....when will these people look up on thai visa sites?....
Deano *************
@Tim ********
how’s it another nut job… I do know what google is but have you tried reading all that shit the comes with so many different things people say isn’t harmless to ask
Andrew *********
@Deano ************
take no notice just ignore unhelpfull people Deano .
Deano *************
@Andrew ********
oh I don’t I just cba with petty comments
David *********
Do you do hotels everywhere?
Deano *************
@David ********
no just gone through a divorce and sold my house! Might like a bit of luxury now n again but I don’t mind staying on the cheap side. I’m only sleeping in a bed at most
David *********
@Deano ************
so a hotel.. with a bed?
Deano *************
@David ********
well yeh.. why?
David *********
@Deano ************
thx for answering my question lol
Deano *************
@David ********
ok I’m so confused 🙄🤔
David *********
@Deano ************
same still don't really know if you do hotels overseas
Deano *************
@David ********
yeh I do hotels I’m just asking why?
David *********
@Deano ************
almost cheaper to buy a place than do hotels thought you might have a better idea as I travel 2-3 months and the cost is crazy compared to what locals pay longer term. In Thailand 2 nights is equal to what locals pay for a month
Deano *************
@David ********
oh really. That’s good to know for long term. Thanks what is it monthly do you think. I’m paying £340 for my first month for beach front hotel to begin with
David *********
@Deano ************
that's what I'm saying 😂 how are you getting that price. Doesn't sound like a normal hotel. I pay closer to 2000
Deano *************
@David ********
because I use it the Agoda app and have done for years and the more you book with them you get perks and massive discounts… it isn’t a 5* luxury hotel it’s just a simple 3* one but is lovely and just what I need.. I intend to be in there apart from to sleep etc 😂.. I wouldn’t dream of paying 2000 that’s a holiday within itself
David *********
@Deano ************
if a month why not airbnb? Surely cheaper
Eric ******
@David ********
it’s hard to book a month sight unseen on AirBnB. I’ve real a lot of neg reviews from people that didn’t get what they expected based on pics, and you can’t cancel. Roll of the dice I guess. It would def save a lot of money though. These 2000+ baht per night hotel rooms do add up. Even Agoda, as good as their prices are, you just don’t know what you’re getting into. You read reviews and wonder how people are talking about the SAME hotel, with such contradicting opinions.
David *********
@Eric *****
yeah I always prefer a trial 2 days so usually end up spending up a storm In hotels. Quite frustrating when you know locals spend next to nothing for something equal In value
Deano *************
@David ********
because there’s a thing about Airbnb in Thailand that it’s not a very good choice.. so I’d rather pay for hotels at the price I can get it at
Tim *********
Only fools go to Bali in the wet season!
Andrew *********
@Tim ********
Beautiful all year round Tim . There is a lot of fools here then
Matthew ********
@Andrew ********
he is a drip himself
Deano *************
@Tim ********
im only going for 5 days to meet my mate and bring travel back with him to Bangkok
Lee *****
My understanding is you can enter Thailand as many times as you like until a immigration officer flags something wrong , then I think you get a warning .
Deano *************
@Lee ****
yeh that’s what I read t but I won’t be in Thailand 90 days each time I’ll be in Cambodia in February for over a month then back to Thailand. And then I leave for Spain. Until I want to come back to Thailand for October for Xmas & NY again thanks for letting me know
Ken *****
@Deano ************
seems like you can get a years visa very easy in Cambodia.

I have friends who live there,

Not like thailand, hard. To stay, I had 11 years of it.

Enquire for Cambodia.

Use that as a base.
Deano *************
@Ken ****
oh amazing cheers for that drop me a message on how to do that if you don’t mind. As will be there from February starting in the city for a few days then over to Koh Rong
Ken *****
@Deano ************
if you’re over 55. You can, but do not go for the quick stay visa,

Go for the o visa only around 5 dollars.

Then when that comes up ,to end you can all,y through an agent for 3-6-9 or 12 months.

The 1 year one is about 300 dollars.

But no leaving every three months.

Hope that does you some good.

Good luck.
Deano *************
@Ken ****
yeh great thanks that’s what I’ll be doing
Brandon ************
You can do it after 90 days, and maybe even again after that. But know that once you've been in Thailand for about 180 days, you will likely face problems trying to enter again if you don't have a proper long-term visa. You cannot live in Thailand on short term tourist stays, and eventually you will be pulled out of line and questioned about what you think you are doing, and possibly even denied entry. No one can tell you if or when that will happen as each entry is up to the individual immigration officer you are standing in front of.
Deano *************
@Brandon ***********
ok thanks good to know 👍maybe I’ll spend more time in Cambodia then maybe do 60days there. Just trying to get ahead of knowing how to navigate cos my house is sold.. and I’m outta here next month
Justin *****************
@Deano ************
I travel extensively in the region, currently in Laos, they are relaxing some entry requirements and extending some visa on arrival time frames...the country has alot to offer imho. ..I'd highly recommend some time here.
Deano *************
@Justin ****************
yeh I intend to go over there at some point it is in my itinerary I’m just going to go with the flow… I’ll be in Cambodia & Thailand for the majority roll on next month
Anita *********
@Deano ************
just a little info, Cambodia is so expensive you may want to think about spending more time in Thailand. You can extend your visa. Good luck in there I am jealous a bit, I want to leave the UK too.
Ian ********
@Anita ********
cambodia is not expensive . Jesus
Anita *********
@Ian *******
no need to mention Jesus, I can have my own opinion without you judging me!

Yes, it is expensive! Compared to Thailand, it is really expensive. Everyone can have their own opinions—maybe for you, it was okay. But for people who don’t earn much money and are saving for big trips, it can definitely feel more expensive.
Ian ********
@Anita ********
i live in thailand i go cambodia alot. Its not expensive . Its cheaper than thailand and less hassle for visas property work etc. Alot of thailand expats are moving there for those reasons.
Anita *********
@Ian *******
Good for you! As I mentioned, this is just my opinion. I don’t live in Thailand or Cambodia. Based on my experiences, the currencies I deal with, and what we have in Europe, I found it more expensive. The flight tickets weren’t too bad, but food and fruits were more expensive than in Thailand. That was my experience, and that's what I shared.

For you, it may be a cheaper option, and you probably know the best places to go in both Cambodia and Thailand, so you're more familiar with everything.

Everyone can have their own experiences, especially when European people going there!
Deano *************
@Ian *******
do you know how many times I can come and go from Thailand I’m starting next month in Thailand. Then Bali then back to Thailand for my 90 days.. then to Cambodia and back to Thailand and so on.. just thought I’d ask seen as you live there
Brandon ************
@Deano ************
as stated already, no one can answer this question. The law doesn't state a number. The immigration officer you are standing in front of makes that decision each and every time you enter.
Deano *************
@Anita ********
oh fan thanks for the info. And tell me about it. It’s horrendous isn’t it
Anita *********
@Deano ************
personally i liked Cambodia but it was enough for 4 days. For me it was dirty, everywhere is plastic 😔 Bangkok is bigger city and it’s so clean. But people were really nice both places 😊
Deano *************
@Anita ********
yeh well only intend staying in the city for 3 days then heading over the Koh Rong for a little while then back into Thailand. Literally just waiting now. My divorce has finalised with my husband.. so off I pop lol
Anita *********
@Deano ************
We haven’t visited the seaside in Cambodia. I’ve heard there are beautiful beaches there. I’m not sure about the prices, but it’s an 8-hour bus ride from Siem Reap. It might be worth a visit. Good luck in the future, and I hope you find happiness as you travel around Asia.
Deano *************
@Anita ********
I’m going with my friend he’s coming for 2 months in December going to spend Christmas and NY in Thailand then in February head to Cambodia., yeh it looks like the Maldives stunning. And I have to stay the accommodation it second the none that we have booked price wise. Thank you for you kind words
Erik ***********
@Anita ********
cambodia expensive? I always wonder when I read statements like this: Did we visit the same country? My wife and I stayed earlier this year in Siem Reap for 5 days, stayed at a lovely hotel with pool, restaurant bar + pool-bar, in Bangkok it would have been not less than Baht 2.000, p.n. We paid B 750, and as we both prefer trying out the local cuisine from markets, food-stalls, momandpop shops etc. and with the flight BKK-SR/r at only B4.000,- for the 2 of us it ended up same or less than 5 days in BKK with a great little holiday thrown in.
Anita *********
@Erik **********
Yes, we were in Siem Reap. It was more expensive than Thailand. We went on our backpacking honeymoon at the end of April, so it wasn't really tourist season. We love local cuisine, but in the markets, there weren't even prices listed. Tourists paid double what the locals paid. I also think Cambodia was a bit dirty. In Bangkok, you couldn’t see any rubbish on the streets. The flight from the UK to Siem Reap was cheaper, so that’s why we started our trip there and flew to Bangkok after 4 days.
Justin *****************
@Deano ************
and remember grief is largely an unconscious process, so flow is good, particularly if your recent mentioned events were gentle with yourself, and remember it's the broken part where the light get in....I wish you well.
Deano *************
@Justin ****************
thank you. I’m doing ok.. I no longer see the uk as home it’s awful and now with my new situation I need to go and be happy away from the uk. So hence me leaving next month to go and find my happy place again
Justin *****************
@Deano ************
I totally understand, may I suggest something as a companion for the road? Viktor Frankls Man's search for Meaning~ shaped by his experiences of being incarcerated during the holocaust....aim for contentment...wasn't it Hemingway who famously quipped " happiness amongst the intelligent is the rarest thing I know " Asia will likely present you with both pleasure and pain...
Deano *************
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