Are you able to get a residence certificate with the DTV visa?
Looking to purchase a vehicle when I get to Thailand, and this is one of the requirements.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, you can obtain a residence certificate with a DTV visa in Thailand. The process involves visiting an immigration office with specific documents such as a TM30 form, a copy of your passport, and a copy of your DTV visa. Immediate processing is available for a fee, or you can opt for free processing by returning later. It's essential to keep your TM30 updated, and remember that requirements may slightly differ depending on the immigration office.
The meaning of a residence certificat is to show that you have a residence in Thailand, so you may have to wait until you have stayed at least 30 days.
might want to stay which of the 80+ immigration offices in the country you stay near because they all have slightly different requirements for Certificate of Residence
Paulie ********
Yep can get one without a DTV just go immergration with passport proof of adreees sure it's 2 passport photos also
Deepak *******
If you have an up-to-date TM30, you can get it from the immigration office. If not, you can get from an agent for 500 baht in Pattaya.
I forgot the name. It is on the soi post office across the post office.
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Deepak *******
마리오 ***
Yah, bought a car a month ago or so. Had to get an updated TM.30, but other than that no issue getting the residency certificate.
Be aware that it’s not issued immediately. I did the paperwork in the morning and had to go back in the afternoon to pick up the certificate.
Kevin *******
Yes, very easy. Go to immigration with the following:
1. Take a copy of your TM 30 (Proof of Residence) - I used a printed out picture of the website where the landlord registered us.
2. Copy of passport
3. Copy of DTV
500 Baht if you want it immediately, free if you wait a day and come back to pick it up.
You will need a separate piece of paper for each thing you want to do. For instance, purchasing a scooter, car, and getting a Thai drivers license all require separate piece of paper specifying what it's for.