What is the fastest way for a DTV visa holder to obtain a Residence Certificate for a driving license in Thailand?

Oct 9, 2024
7 days ago
Hi All. Great group with useful info. I'd appreciate your advice. I am a DTV holder looking to get a driving license. Part of the doc requirements include Residence Certificate. Looking for the easiest and fastest way to get this done for a DTV holder. Please note I have not completed 90 day reporting. Open to paying for a fast-track service. Any thoughts/experiences?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A holder of a DTV visa seeking to obtain a driving license in Thailand needs a Residence Certificate, which can be facilitated through a variety of pathways. If you have a TM30 attached to your passport, obtaining the certificate from the immigration office should be straightforward. If not, enlisting an agent can expedite the process. Some locations, like Phuket, are known to issue these certificates even for tourists, whereas others may require completed 90-day reporting and a medical certificate. There are mixed experiences regarding embassies issuing residency certificates, and some have ceased this service. To bypass the 90-day reporting requirement, working with an agent is a viable option. The recommendation to join local expat groups can provide additional support and information.
Biff *******
Phuket will give you a residence certificate on a tourist visa. Other places won’t do it depends where you are really.
Anonymous *************
@Biff ******
thanks brother. I'm in Bkk
Alex *********
Anonymous participant I completed the process to get my residence certificate from immigration at Chang Watthana in bkk in 20 minutes. Everything goes fast if you have all of the required copies, etc, and money in hand. They mail you the certificate. I live in bkk on a DTV. I have not done my first 90-day report yet.
Anonymous *************
@Alex ********
thanks brother. What docs did you have with you? Did you use an agent?
Alex *********
Anonymous participant actual passport, copy of passport biodata page, copy of passport page that has entry stamp, passport-size photo, copy of TM30, 200 baht if license for car, 400 baht if license for car and motorcycle. I brought my condo lease, US license and international permit but they didn't ask for any of that
Biff *******
Anonymous participant There you go.
@Stuart ********
knows the score in Bangkok
Stuart *********
@Biff ******
Yep used to be that you’d needed to have done a 90 day report to get one. Except that changed pretty recently. Now you can get one on any visa status or even exempt.
Anonymous *************
@Stuart ********
also, is there any way to fast track so that I get it delivered faster, such as a reliable agency?
Anonymous *************
@Stuart ********
thanks for the advice. So if I go to Chaengwattana immigration with passport incl DTV, lease, and TM30 I can walk in and get it done without other requirements?
Biff *******
Anonymous participant you’ll need to check if immigration in Bangkok will issue one and what they require
Stuart *********
@Biff ******
They will. 200 baht and they mail it to your address on the TM30 within 7 days.
Paul *******
If your embassy issues a certificate of residency, go through them. If you're a dual citizen, go through whichever embassy can issue one for you, regardless if you're in Thailand on that passport or not. I get my certificate of residency through an embassy I'm a citizen of, yet I'm in Thailand on a different passport and there's no problem. The DLT accepts it and doesn't question it at all.
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
useful to know this, thanks
Paul *******
Anonymous participant Sadly, some embassies have stopped providing this service to their nationals, regardless of what visa they're on. Others still do. Check with your embassy for details.

Just FYI both the Australian and American embassies have stopped issuing certificates of residency for their nationals, so you'll have to go through immigration if you're a citizen of one of these countries and don't have another one.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Brits have also stopped providing this service.
Graham *******
you will need to have done a 90-day report and have a valid TM30. You need a medical certificate then you can get a resident certificate and then a driving license. Many of us use agents to help. He is correct about the waiting list.
Anonymous *************
@Graham ******
my only issue is the 90 day report. If I use an agent, can I bypass this requirement? Also, if you know anyone good, could you let me know please?
Graham *******
Anonymous participant an agent can help u with 90 day report if needed. I only know in Pattaya. If u are elsewhere join an expat group for that city they can help.
Deepak *******
If you already have a TM30 attached to your passport, it is a no-brainer at the immigration office. If you don't have one, go to an agent to get a residence certificate.
Anonymous *************
@Deepak ******
thanks for mentioning. Should I ask the owner of the condo I've rented for this?
Deepak *******
Anonymous participant You can ask or you have to do it yourself. You can ask for all the documents you need. I bet when you rent from person x, you have verified 1. the person x owns the property, 2. Person X's ID and you have kept a copy of each document.
Henrik *****
You can use you international drivers license, the first 3 month, which walk hand in hand with obtaining the residence certificat since you should have been 3 month in Thailand to get it.

Be aware that the waitinglist for drivingtests can be monthlong.
Paul *******
Anonymous participant 946 There is actually. Whether it's enforced is another thing, but you're supposed to do it. However, if you never use immigration services you could probably get away with not doing it.
Anonymous *************
@Henrik ****
thanks for the advice. I don't have an intl driving license, just a UK one. I'd prefer avoiding the fees and process for the intl one since I'll go for the Thai anyways. Plus, if I've understood correctly, I'll need the Residence Certificate to purchase the vehicle as well? :/
Paul *******
Anonymous participant Yes.
Anonymous *************
@Paul ******
thanks for confirming. Are you aware of any agents that I can use to bypass the 90 day requirement?
Paul *******
Anonymous participant I know of agents who can do the 90 day check-in for you.