Can I hold both a Thai DTV visa and a tourist visa for Bali simultaneously?

Oct 23, 2024
3 months ago
Lewis ***************
Does anyone know if I can have both a DTV visa and also visa for other countries, for example Bali 211A 60 days visa (extended to 180 days).. basically trying to work out if I can do 6 months in Thailand one winter.. the 6months back home in uk.. then the next winter, 6 months in Bali. Thanks 😉
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, you can hold a Thai DTV visa and a tourist visa for Bali, or for other countries, at the same time. There are generally no restrictions preventing you from having multiple visas from different countries. However, certain countries may have specific regulations regarding entry based on passport stamps from certain locations. It's advisable to check those stipulations, especially regarding travel to and from regions like the Middle East. As long as you comply with the regulations for each visa, you should have no issues spending six months in Thailand, returning to the UK, and then transitioning to Bali.
Stephen ********
yes you can…
Dominic ******
Go for it. One country doesn't care what the other does. 🙂 You'll be fine, if you have both vias.
Luit *****************
@Dominic *****
as you can see above, that is not completely true, especially stamps from the Middle East region might cause problems.
Dominic ******
@Luit ****************
Who talks about that? 😃 The question was specifically about Thailand and Bali. Of course my statement is not generically true for any combination of any two countries on the whole planet. 😉
Luit *****************
@Dominic *****
I interpreted your opening line "One country doesn't care what the other does" as generic, I'm sorry.
Dominic ******
@Luit ****************
To be fair, reading only that without the context the TA gave us, you might be right, it could sound generic. No need to appologize. 🙂
Todd *********
Of course you can. Your DTV is between you and Thailand. I keep residency visas in Thailand, Mexico and Philippines. Come and go as you please for as long as you wish in each one. I return to ‘home country’ very rarely
Stephan ***********
You can have as many different visa (from different countries) as you want. Only for some specific countries it might be a good idea to use a second passport... just in cases... ;-)
Tim ********
Matthias ********
@Tim *******
You shouldn’t, for example, enter Iran with the same passport and then try to enter Israel afterward – or vice versa. There will be problems. However, it’s usually not an issue to get a second passport for such trips. In Germany, for example, this second passport would only be valid for 5 years. I don’t know how it works in other countries!
Stephan ***********
@Matthias *******
I think it's 6 years for the "regular" now and 1 year for the "temporary"... something like that...
Matthias ********
@Stephan **********
Possible, it’s been 15 years for me. Given the current situation, though, I wouldn’t recommend a trip to either Israel or Iran 😜
Stephan ***********
@Matthias *******
Yep... not at all... way to "hot" the complete area at the moment... :-(
Stephan ***********
@Tim *******
The second passport?
Tim ********
@Stephan **********
you transfer the old to the new.
Stephan ***********
@Tim *******
Nope... we talk about specific countries... for some specific reasons it can make sense to have two valid passports. And yes... it's possible, even issued from the same country.
Stuart *********
There are countries that won’t allow you to visit them if you have a stamp in your passport for another country (like Israel and Egypt) but they are few and far between.
Alisa ************
@Stuart ********
Israel hasn’t stamped in years (you get a printout) and Israelis can visit Egypt and vice versa. Lots of holiday makers in Sinai! (Well maybe not now…)
Luit *****************
@Stuart ********
a stamp of Iran can also be a problem to get into US, a collegue of mine discovered.
Tim ********
You can hold a DTV for the 5 years for Thailand. I’m guessing it depends on what you need to go to another country.
Stuart *********
Not sure why you’d think you can’t have a visa for one country and then another visa for another country.

There may be some that say you can’t have a visa for X country and then apply for one here but it would be very strange.