Hello all!
Does anyone know if it is possible to extend a visa exemption stamp for a second time? (My first extension runs out on monday).
I am still waiting for my new UK passport to be sent to BKK and I cannot leave the country and re enter due to my passport being less than 6 months valid.
Any advice welcome thanks.
TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster inquires about the possibility of extending a visa exemption stamp for a second time due to issues with their UK passport. Responses clarify that typically, a visa exemption can only be extended once, and while some immigration offices may allow a second extension, it is usually denied. The discussion suggests that despite the risks, the poster might consider a 'border run' to re-enter Thailand, as waiting for the passport could take several weeks. There are mentions of contacting the British Embassy for assistance and obtaining emergency passports, which ultimately led to a resolution as the poster was able to travel to Vietnam and return to Thailand with proper documentation.