Can I enter Thailand on a 30-day visa exemption and apply for a Non-immigrant B Visa in Kuala Lumpur?

November 6, 2023
a year ago
Frederic *******
Hi everyone,

I have recently joined the group and thank you for your assistance! I have been offered a job in Phuket as general manager for new hotel opening. My starting date is 2nd January. It is mentioned on my contract that I am solely responsible for getting my Non-immigrant B Visa for Thailand and on the other hand they will take care of my work permit. I am planning to come to Thailand on 26th November to spend time with my girlfriend before starting new job. My questions: can I come with the 30 days visa exemption (I have a French passport) and while in Thailand, go for a short trip to Kuala Lumpur to do my Non-immigrant B Visa with a certified agency (cost is about 200$ from what I’ve heard). Is there anyone aware of this process? Can someone advise if that can be done? Many thanks in advance!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
An expat with a French passport plans to visit Thailand on a 30-day visa exemption before starting a job. They are considering applying for a Non-immigrant B Visa in Kuala Lumpur and seek advice on this process, including documentation and appointment requirements.
Terary **********
I have heard the Thai Embassy in France can be a real pain but you may want to check with them.

I am pretty sure there is no 'Certified' Agency. That is to say nobody certifies agencies. I suppose they could certify themselves but that is kinda silly. I would encourage you to ask this group for an agency recommendation. Careful to take advice from someone has experience with that agency. Sometimes agents can pretend to be an user and recommend themselves (like they certified themselves), or people will make recommendations because their friend.... This is ok but better to talk to the friend.
Nigel *********
I used to use KL all the time for my non b. Having an appointment worked well as I remember the days before appointments and getting there at 7.30.

The accountant for your new employer should be familiar with what paperwork you need. You simply can't get all that on your own. Good luck. Congratulations on the new job.
Andy ********
Looks like you got a lot of good information from
@Stuart ********
@John *********
all I can do is wish you all the best in the next chapter of your life.
Frederic *******
Thank you so much
@Andy *******
🙏 that’s so very kind
John **********
You will need paperwork from the company
Frederic *******
@John *********
thank you! Well noted. I should have all paperwork including contract from the company prior my departure to Thailand on 26th
Frederic *******
@Stuart ********
even better! Seems to be a better alternative than Malaysia. Thank you
Stuart *********
Singapore is another alternative. They do the application online. When you’ve uploaded all required documents they will check and notify you of the time you need to go to the embassy to get the visa put in your passport.

It’s sort of like pre-approval. You won’t get a time to go unless you’ve passed all their checks, so you’re not wasting time staying in Singapore when you don’t have to.
Stuart *********
Go on to the website and print out the list they give you of required documents. Check (tick) each one as you get them. They want to see the completed checklist before they let you apply.
Frederic *******
@Stuart ********
thanks a lot for your help 🙏
Stuart *********
You can apply for the visa in KL, but be aware you must have an appointment to apply before they’ll even let you in the gate.

Penang might be an alternative option as that’s walk in with no appointment needed but get there early. It gets busy.
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