Jodi ********
This is a summary of
Jodi ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 6 comments.



Jodi *********
@Robert ******
it's getting my landlord to Bangkok that will be difficult, but yep, this is what I'll have to do. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Jodi *********
Thank you. Yes, it seems so. I'll get onto that. But good to know I can actually use a lease even when applying as a tourist. Thanks again!
Jodi *********
Thank you
@Tod ********
. Yes, I made an appointment online already. Hopefully it makes it a smooth and relatively quick process!
Jodi *********
@Glen ********
Thank you again. Yeah, on the website

it says

"A copy of reservation/confirmation of accommodation **for the whole stay in Thailand.**

If staying with a friend/relative, please submit his/her invitation letter and a copy of his/her identity


Really appreciate your advice about the lease and the lease dates. Thank you so much.
Jodi *********
Glen Shkolar thank you for quick advice! Does your lease show current year? Mine was started in 2017 and has just rolled over to now, but doesn't have 2019 mentioned.

Also, do you have to show landlord ID as well?
Jodi *********
Thank you Robert
for such a quick reply. My lease was one year from 2017, but like all leases here (I believe), it just carries on after the first 12 months with no new dates. So, would it suffice as being 'current'?

Also, I guess I was worried showing I was on a lease may jeopardize my application for *tourist* visa. I guess this isn't the case?