Claudio ********
This is a summary of
Claudio ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 3 comments.



Claudio *********
@James *******
I was there on day 29 december, one border run in Cambodia this year, and two border run in Cambodia last year. In the side of t

Cambogia they sayed me that if I want to go back Thailand same day, I have to pay more, because Cambodia is glad that you stay at least one night. Payed, go back.
Claudio *********
Thank you everybody for the answers. So, if a do a border run, will be ok? I done only one border run this year.
Claudio *********
My passport is still new. After get this stamp, is forever until the passport expire or get new one, or have a time frame after which can go same embassy without problems?