Peter ********
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Peter ********
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Peter ********
I'm a townhome renter...Never heard of Apps Section 38.
Peter ********
I heard that you can do that at the Chiang Mai Airport upon arrival. True?
Peter ********
CM immigration is not crazy like it used to be. If you carefully download, copy and fill out the forms, you'll be fine. I have a Retirement Visa and my experience has been that when you renew or acquire your visa is not related to your 90 day check-in. The 90-day check-in is only connected to either when you last arrived into the country or when you last checked in...that was confusing to me at first because I thought that the 90 days began with the new visa. It doesn't. As far as WHERE you check in, not definitively sure about that, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with where your TM-30 says you're living. These strict rules are part of the reason so many have left Thailand.