Callien ********************
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Callien ********************
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Callien ********************
@Gorgon ****
I want the 60 day from the proper office in the city, not the 30 day from the border
Callien ********************
@Gorgon ****
I have not arrived at immigration yet. I plan to leave for malaysia tonight or tomorrow. I first wanted to try to get valuable information like this before and possibly doing the wrong thing. I've received this 60-day Visa many times in the past but it's been I think 4 years since I've had to live on a tourist visa. From your response it sounds like there's a different protocol than I experienced in the past. What do you mean the 60 day needs to be registered in advance?

The process I had to go through in the past was me just arriving to Penang can the Visa office there would handle everything for you at the immigration office. All we needed to do was give him the passport fill in the application and pay him the required price, and two and a half days later he returns with everything proper and we left for Thailand that night.
Callien ********************
@Mart ******
may I ask you how long ago this workout for you? Because I need to get mine very soon and would feel more confident knowing this recently worked out for you and you also returned at the Bangkok airport, because I was nervous about returning through Bangkok compared to other airport options. Thank you
Callien ********************
Make sure you have the required funds and are dressed respectfully when you arrive at immigration at your destination in Thailand. It goes all whole lot faster and easier for you when the officer sees you respecting their culture and wearing clothes that cover your arms and legs, especially if they notice you are wearing clothed toed shoes. A lot of people don't realize this detail of how much respect you'll be receiving without even knowing it from the immigration officer well he's looking over your documents and making a decision to let you in or not.
Callien ********************
It''s the same thing if you were to take a flight somewhere and not have your laptop in your carry-on bag. That's what ruins your device almost immediately, if not the first time. So if you want to send anything with a built-in lithium battery .... The way I do it is, if I can't wait to collect it the next time I visit my country or wherever I need it from, if your friend has been here long enough, for sure he has a friend returning to Thailand in your country very soon and can take it here for him, for you.
Callien ********************
@Mark ******
you need to make sure you label the items list on the exterior of the box correctly. If they are items that are supposed to be taxed, like electronics, customs will confiscate it. You need to list items such as toiletries, clothes, baby toys.... Innocent things that don't require taxation when crossing the border.

And this is very important.... Do not send anything with a lithium battery built in. The pressure in the cabin, in the under part of the planes it's shipped in, will ruin those devices before they arrive to your friend. It happened to me a few times before I finally realized what was actually going on