Stephen ***********
This is a summary of
Stephen ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 3 comments.



Stephen ************
Thanks a lot Tod! I appreciate all your detailed help! This "between the line"-info is not always out there. Have a nice day! 🙋‍♂️
Stephen ************
Thank you for the responses! So you are certain that I can just stay on the 90day non-b without being employed? I am just a bit worried because:

1. I needed a lot of paperwork from the school to attain that visa.

2. I am unsure if I am on a work permit, which sounds weird I know, but they are “processing” it and I am signing numerous documents for my school (incl. visa and work permit stuff, pictures etc.) on a daily basis (haven’t paid though)… Therefore, might the school be able to finish my permit without my interaction (a.k.a. paying, signing, going to immigration …. I really don’t know that process) and then be able to get me in trouble (sounds a bit dramatic, but who knows)….

3. Would you maybe suggest asking at immigration? Might they be open about it or is that just causing unwanted attention to my intention?

Some of you recommend leaving immediately…. Nobody would recommend the 1 month rescission version, correct?

So I am torn between quitting immediately and just staying at the non-b visa until it runs out or quitting immediately and doing a visa run, during which I can encounter difficulties I guess….
Stephen ************
Hey Tod (and all the others),

Thank you for the responses! So you are certain that I can just stay on the 90day non-b without being employed? I am just a bit worried because:

1. I needed a lot of paperwork from the school to attain that visa.

2. I am unsure if I am on a work permit, which sounds weird I know, but they are “processing” it and I am signing numerous documents for my school (incl. visa and work permit stuff, pictures etc.) on a daily basis (haven’t paid though)… Therefore, might the school be able to finish my permit without my interaction (a.k.a. paying, signing, going to immigration …. I really don’t know that process) and then be able to get me in trouble (sounds a bit dramatic, but who knows)….

3. Would you maybe suggest asking at immigration? Might they be open about it or is that just causing unwanted attention to my intention?

Some of you recommend leaving immediately…. Nobody would recommend the 1 month rescission version, correct?

So I am torn between quitting immediately and just staying at the non-b visa until it runs out or quitting immediately and doing a visa run, during which I can encounter difficulties I guess….