Julandi ********
This is a summary of
Julandi ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 6 questions and added 17 comments.



Julandi *********
As far as I know Vientiane is fine with South Africans going there.
Julandi *********
The Ed visa I can get all documentation from the school..

A non O visa..I just want to make sure what I will need for this visa?
Julandi *********
This is what I'm thinking too... But they get an overstay stamp whenever you leave which is not good so I would rather get them on Ed visas or Non O visas ASAP
Julandi *********
They did not show the money in 24 hours time so savanket and vientienne denied them
Julandi *********
I shouldn't give the money to the laos counter??? I feel that's its not immigration... Its an airline...???
Julandi *********
Because they told be that they have to show 30 000 B each
Julandi *********
So can immigration make it 30 000 each that they must show??? In total 60 000 B?