Alan ********
This is a summary of
Alan ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 6 comments.



Alan *********
@Rick **********
Yes Rick. It seems some companies have age limits. Also some companies allow you to remain indefinitely, as long as you start the policy by a certain age(but a record of annual premium increases would be essential to make a judgement)
Alan *********
Thanks Tom. It seems a good agent is essential in Thailand
Alan *********
@Neil ********
Thanks Neil but I think its better for all to share Knowledge unless I am unaware of something
Alan *********
@Michael **********
Thanks Michael. I have seen comments on facebook that some people have had problems making a claim. As with all comments, I hope this post will show personal experiences, good and bad
Alan *********
This seems to happen every year. FB step up and fix this.😱😱😱😱