Anonymous ************
This is a summary of
Anonymous ************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 9 comments.



Anonymous *************
@John ******
Correct, just a standard American checking account which includes my full name.
Anonymous *************
Is hotel confirmation for Thailand or for country where the embassy is located?
Anonymous *************
That makes sense. It's pretty strange to ask for hotel confirmation before DTV approval though as how do they expect me to sign a lease / book a hotel if I don't even know if I'm getting approved?

I also find it strange that they're asking for certain things twice even though I've already provided bank statements.
Anonymous *************
I applied via Seoul (my mistake) but I am a UAE resident and USA citizen who is currently in Seoul. UAE doesn't provide Certificate of Income but I do have a tax return from USA last year so I will try that. I will try LA next if it's that easy. Thanks! How long did it take and how long is your botox treatment?
Anonymous *************
@Greg ********
I applied directly myself with the docs most people suggested in this group 😭 my main mistake was applying to the Seoul thai embassy but hoping to not waste the money if they haven't rejected me yet
Anonymous *************
@John ******
For September: no, October: yes, November: yes. And I included another "Balance Statement" generated from my bank on Dec 20th showing over $17k.
Anonymous *************
@David *******
can you share which one + which embassy? I figured since I already paid for this application I might as well try my best to get it through