Nadine ********
This is a summary of
Nadine ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 8 comments.



Nadine *********
You can do your Non O and Non B Together. Ask for all the documents from her school. ( I did my Non B and my Family's Non O at the same time)
Nadine *********
South African's dont get visa on arrival.... only 30 day stamp.
Nadine *********
Its R500 for a tourist visa in SA... just get a visa... then you know you are safe... takes 3 days for approval.
Nadine *********
Yay... found my original... thank you all.☺
Nadine *********
Yes I have a color copy. Thank you for the advise. Hoping for the best. :(
Nadine *********
Robert. I have a copy saved on my laptop. Thats why I can make copies.
Nadine *********
Really??? Will the embassy help? No the consulate in Laos.