Sarah ********
This is a summary of
Sarah ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 8 comments.



Sarah *********
So we took the TM 30 form that our landlord filled out... but we weren't asked for it at Samui. We also didn't have our departure cards, and they didn't even mention it... so we got our extensions no problem at all!

In your opinion will their be a problem when we come to fly out of Bangkok with still not having departure cards?

Thankyou so much for your help with this... I felt much more relaxed with the information you gave me!
Sarah *********
I definitely will! Happy to hand over any information that can help others... And Thankyou so much for your help!
Sarah *********
Thankyou! Another issue we have is that we appear to have lost our departure cards... I had never heard of these before researching our extensions, and apparently they are supposed to be stapled into our passports... but nothing is there... We were coming off a crazy long flight with two little kids, so I guess with them not being attached and me not knowing they were important they just got lost... I have read I should be able to get new ones in immigration... is this true?

Thankyou so much for your help!
Sarah *********
Thankyou! So a TM 28 is for any foreigner staying more than 24 hours in any place?

And it won't be a problem to just take the forms to immigration with me without him having registered them?

Thankyou for your help!!
Sarah *********
Sure, by all accounts... but he has been renting to tourists for years and says he has never heard of this... he says many of them have done extensions without it... so I am not sure what to do...
Sarah *********
He says he has never heard of this... he has been renting to tourists for years...