Jake ********
This is a summary of
Jake ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 7 comments.



Jake *********
Alright, well thanks for the feedback, folks.

I think I have a better understanding of this now.
Jake *********
Ok, but the list of people who can file a TM30 does include "hotel manager", so, do I need to talk to my hotel manager about the TM30?

I'd rather not talk to the manager about it because I don't want to make him anxious about accommodating me for any reason. I'm comfortable here. I don't want to rock the boat, so to speak.
Jake *********
I have another question for you, Ellie, if you don't mind. Do you happen to know the specific requirement list for in-country Non-O for retirement purposes for Chaeng Wattana?
Jake *********
Ok, thank you Ellie, appreciate the due diligence heads-up. Always good to read the fine print.

I know what to do now.
Jake *********
I'm in Bangkok. Do I go back to Impact Arena or to Chaeng Wattana?
Jake *********
Well, that's excellent! A lot more straightforward than what I was thinking.

So, since I will be liquidating assets in Thailand, I will need to transfer the money to another country and then back in?