Albert *******
This is a summary of
Albert *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 9 comments.



Albert ********
Thank auto all for the comments.. I have been using a legal firm and it’s all good and a pain to go to immigration.. but it all gets done the proper way.. for Retirement the money in the bank and statements etc.. Thai Visa Centre do it all, you only need to provide them with 3 photos , no bank statements no nothing.. and price same as my legal firm
Albert ********
@Phill *****
I tried other members of family and the same
Albert ********
@Phill *****
thanks... I have done it before, last November using Chrome.. I couldn’t use Online facility in Match as it was down.. and I try again now.. it recognises the data entered previously but one I submit I get that message and I can’t continue
Albert ********
I give up!! Tried 3 different browsers and same message. I will send by post, even if I am a few days late
Albert ********
I know I can go I person, just trying to save me the trip
Albert ********
I have not entered phone number.. 1st page only general details.. when I submit 1st page, instead I’d continuing to the test of the form I get that message, then back to square one
Albert ********
I am using my computer.. Chrome browser.. the latest date for report is 28 May, so using online you need to see bait within 15 days.. by post is before 15 days, so too late to do by post