Yaya ***
This is a summary of
Yaya ***
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 2 comments.



Yaya ****
Sorry for the trouble. I'm unfamiliar and I appreciate the advice. All the best.
Yaya ****
Thank you, Robert and Tod! Actually, I didn't realize we needed to cancel the ED visa so we left the country right before it expired and returned on a tourist stamp. Then extended the tourist stamp--no one asked about the ED visa. A month later, the school told me I have to cancel the visa; so I plan to go to immigration within the next week. Here is what they said: "- Letting the visa expire by itself or leaving the country without re-entry permit would automatically revoke the visa but the visa will not be cancelled in the system, and this will complicate your trip back to Thailand in the future with a long term visa, as you will not be allowed to extend the visa in Thailand unless you visit our school, obtain a letter and cancel the visa at Chiangmai immigration office. And if the date on the letter and cancellation date is not matched, you may be fined by the immigration office up to 20,000 baht.

- In order to cancel your visa, the withdrawal date of the school must be the same day of the visa cancellation date. If you plan to leave the country after the withdrawal date, there will be a separated form to fill and some of you have already submitted it."