This page displays all the results for the tax regulations tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 9 questions that have been tagged with tax regulations. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
I am on a DTV visa as a freelancer. Can I open an online shop, make handmade artwork, sell and ship from Thailand to non-Thai customers, or will this be considered a local business? Any advice?
Does anyone think with the nee pm things may change again ??? Speaking to a Thai friend and a lot of Thais thjnk things will change regards costs of visa etc
1. ?.. Can I go to pattaya immigration and get a 12 month extension on my current 60 day tourist visa amd already extended 30 days? ( i figure this is a long shot?)
2. Retire Visa is what i thought?....but I only plan on maybe 6 mos. each year here and then back to the lake in States when too hot and rainy here.
Just saw amd concerned at being taxed past 179 days here??!-
If I will only stay here 175 days a year/ single trip...from USA.
What would be best/ most cost effective type of Visa for me??
Just thinking with avg of 6 mos. here each yr right retire visa the best option right now?
Hello I am a foreign student coming to attend my bachelor in Thailand. I am currently being considered for a paid internship from a company overseas, how would my situation be? I know you can't have paid internships in Thai but the company is from overseas.
Would this be considered violating my student visa?