Why does the financial requirement for a family dependent visa seem lower than that for retirees in Thailand?

July 12, 2020
4 years ago
Just curious, why for a family dependant visa where the applicant is supporting more than just themselves, are they only required to show 400k a year, compared to a retiree who quite possibly is single, requires double the amount. Surely, it should be the other way around?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
In Thailand, the financial requirements for a family dependent visa are set at 400,000 THB annually, which has led to questions about why this is less than the 800,000 THB required for retirees. Commenters speculate that this discrepancy may stem from the financial burden retirees can impose on the Thai healthcare system, as they might require more significant medical support and could lead to government responsibilities, especially if they pass away alone. Others believe it reflects a perception that families might be better integrated into the community, with the assumption that family members contribute financially together. The discussion highlights the complexities and perceived inconsistencies within Thailand's immigration rules, with suggestions that these regulations may lack a clear rationale and often depend on individual immigration officers' interpretations.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
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William ********
Don’t give them ideas .
Alf ***********
Just to add to the confusion..

Why is it that if you are a woman married to a Thai man, you don't have to show money at all? 🤔
Billy *******
@Alf **********
They want to encourage western women to thailand. "They" have no idea.
Joe ***********
@Alf **********
The man is suppose to take care of the woman
Billy *******
We should start a volunteer fireman's style association to administer the affairs of the falangs here in Thailand instead of paying premiums to insurance companies that end up shafting us. And start a nursing home. Elect administrators and board members and auditors so theres no shananigans.
Terry ********
Stop it! 555...You must stop asking 'why' in Thailand or your head will explode....555...There is no logic here!
Alice ********
The bottom line is that the Thais make the rules and they don’t care what our feelings are.
Cerminara **************
A person who is married in should be full citizen .
Mark *******
You can work on a marriage visa.
Steve **********
Dont Ever Q thai immigration !
Charles ****************
So if married man has to pay more for living expenses and family support, do you think it's easier for him to shell out US$25,000?

You should be so lucky.
David ****************
I see it as a discount for being married. Put another way, if you are married then they let you stay provided you can take care of your family even if you don't contribute much beyond that. If you are single, they let you stay provided you can take care of yourself but also that you can potentially contribute financially beyond that to the community.
Steve *******
It's generally viewed that a married couple can both contribute to the household finances, therefore it's half the 800,000.
Steven ****************
@Steve ******
I thought it was a "dependant" visa and also can be if it is for children dependant
Steve *******
@Steven ***************
Yep, same financial requirements for the 'marriage extention' and 'dependant extention'
Allan ************
It depends on how much pension money comes in each month, for every £1000 you exchange you lose a lot now
James **************
Maybe to do with health problems that may occur, over a certain age, alot of insurers wont cover you.

Maybe its because they think if you are retiring in Thailand you must have alot of money saved.

They probably see people who are married or have kids as probably not having as much saved as a retiree.

Lets be honest having kids or a wife is expensive.😂
Allan ************
When I was in Pattaya the bar girls complained they only spent money on themselves, I reasoned they were in a there bar buying alcohol, not enough was the reply.
Oliver ********
from my casual observations there is a drinking velocity issue among some of the old boys in pattaya. i've seen them make a beer last for a couple of hours, presumably because they don't have much of a home life to go back to but better than being stuck in a government care home in england.
Joe ***********
Just doesn't work the way you think
Steve **********
If I had to guess...I think it’s an attempt to excavate more old single people out of Thailand. You would be surprised how many are living pension deposit to pension deposit and wouldn’t/couldn’t meet that requirement.
Joe ***********
You have no visa or Extension problems?. You are just here to call people names to act superior. You would fit well in Thai Visa dot com... You're just a budding psycho
Joe ***********
Troy Martin - I read every comment and reply. You are not affect by this Amnesty nor that fact that it is ending. You are just here pontificating - pointing out your superior knowledge and opinion ... If as it seems you are Not Affected in any way by this Amnesty or deadline, I suggest you STFU and find something to do that involves you.
Billy *******
@Steve *********
yea thanks to these first world banksters debasing our currencies. Knock that smug "i'm from the US or UK" look off your face as your currency is shite here compared to the baht.
Joe ***********
Troy Martin - I didn't say it was about me. I was just pointing out your broad negative assumption about retirees. By the way - why are you even in this group and on this thread? Are you affected by any of this mess? Or are you bored and just here to make derisive comments about who is negatively affected?
Joe ***********
I have a Non B with WP, own a Thai Registered Company and Pay Thai Taxes plus pay Thai Social Security... and much more
Simon **********
your post seems perfectly reasonable to me. If you’re a pensioner you are not going to be working so you should have some money behind you to cover extraordinaries. Not unreasonable really.
Joe ***********
@Steve *********
- You are a know it all - know nothing asswipe
Kevin *****
@Joe **********
actually he is probably quite right. I am not on a retirement visa, I have a non b and WP but due to the schools being closed down and my agent not being able to find me a suitable placement I have been having to exist solely on my pension. A pension, by the way, that is worth less and less due to the Thai government keeping the baht so high and the pound going up and down like a Portsmouth hookers knickers on a Saturday night. Without my pension I would have been faced with not having enough money to stay in Thailand and not enough money to get home. So yes, Steve Barsalou has a valid point.
Steve **********
Hahahaha well said tough guy. Thanks for that constructive input. You seem fun.
Oliver ********
could be because some retirees die alone in thailand leaving the thai authorities (and thai taxpayers) to take care of the body and other formalities (sometimes even some uninsured medical expenses if they die slowly in a government hospital). or could just be one of those things that has no rational explanation.
Rick *******
@Oliver *******
, I believe there is no rational reason. If you asked 30 different immigration officers that question, you would get 30 different answers. 😂
Michael ********
@Oliver *******
that actually what i was told by an immigration officer
Sammy *******
@Oliver *******
makes perfect sense.
Joe ***********
@Oliver *******
totally unsupported guesswork on your part
Terry *****
@Joe **********
No...it's actually the correct assumption. Dead and dying retirees cost the government much more than expats with a family, spouse and children.
Bobby ********
@Oliver *******
. That explanation is probably the most rational I've heard. That actually makes sense.
Jae ******
Joe *******
TIT 🤷‍♂️
Alan ******
When you understand the Thai Goverment let me know 🤣🤣
Rob **********
Yes, i've often wondered that. It does seem arse about face.
Brett *******
Not sure why you would assume that retirees are single but can understand your point of view.
Steven ****************
@Brett ******
"who quite possibly" I said
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