Why am I only able to get a 90-day Non-B Visa despite having a valid Work Permit?

February 3, 2020
5 years ago
Lilly **********
I am a UK passport holder with a 4yr WP and can't get more than a 90 day Non B anywhere!

In Oct at the Thai embassy in London told me from now on they will only issue 90 day visas.

Last month the Penang Consulate said only 90 days because the 30+ pages of company registration/tax documents showing I was both a director and shareholder wasn't acceptable - it had to say director on the WP (which my lawyer says cannot be done as you can now only have one job title and if I changed it to director for the visa I would then not be allowed to do my actual job in Thailand).

Now reports are coming directly from Kota Bharu about people only getting 90 day Non B even with Herbert trying to assist.

After the Thai government complaining about illegal foreigners staying in Thailand for so long why are they now shitting on the people doing it legally and by the rules?

Where are we supposed to get 1 year non B visas now?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A UK passport holder is experiencing difficulties obtaining a year-long Non-B visa despite having a valid 4-year Work Permit. Recent communications from both the Thai embassy in London and the Penang Consulate indicate that only 90-day Non-B visas are being issued, primarily due to issues related to company documentation not matching the Work Permit title. The situation seems to reflect a broader trend of tighter visa issuance policies for expats, which leaves many questioning the fairness of the process, especially when they are complying with legal requirements.
James ********
@Lilly *********
...you asked this same question a few months ago on October 8 , 2019...

The answers remain the same...

Meet the requirements and get the visa...

James ********
Good luck...

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Robert *******
The company is going to give 4 Thai people a job, the 4 Thais hand over copies of their ID and House book to support the Work Permit application. to get their Tax number and Social Security number. Next step, did the Thais get the job, got salary, paid tax and got Social Security as promised to support the work permit? NO, the Thais never worked and will never work in this company.

Sorry if this is offending somebody, but this is what really is happening.
Lilly **********
Why issue a one year WP but refuse to issue the matching visa.

This is the most frustrating point.
Nicky *********
Sorry Robert but what about the people who don’t qualify for the 1 year extension as their company isn’t big enough, they don’t employ enough Thai staff etc.

What then?
Robert *******
I did explain this. You get a Single Entry Non Immigrant B visa, enter Thailand, get 90 days on entry.

Pick up your Work Permit, after 60 days visit the Immigration Office and apply for a 1 year Extension of Stay.

That is how the system is made.

It is the company responsible for you to meet the requirements, if you are frustrated because they did not, visit and talk to them.
Benjamin ******
Almost all work permits are good for one year, regardless if the visa is for 3 months or one year.
Bangsat **********
What a nightmare
Travis *******
This came into affect a couple years back. They won't give you a multiple entry 1 year Non B at a consulate unless you are a director of the company "which considering your WP says you are not, they are denying you this). You need to get the 90 day Non B and then get an extension of stay inside of Thailand, or get a work permit as the MD and then apply outside again for a 1 year ME non b
Ellie *******
try to talk your lawyer or who takes care of your company papers.

There could / might be the way to be MD and do your job, for example, define job description in your company paper or something.. but not sure sorry... and not going farther since this is already off topics.
Ron *******
It's not difficult to see, by looking at the Thai Embassys and consulates worldwide, that the issuing of ME Non Immigrant visas is in It's final days, except for very selective reasons of business etc
Robert *******
you supposed to get a Visa to enter Thailand and then apply at your local immigration Office for the 1 year Extension of Stay and if you travel during that year the Single or Multiple Re-Entry permit
Robert *******
Correct, if you do not have a work permit you can not apply for an legal stay inside the country based on working.
Nicky *********
@Robert ******
but I thought you couldn’t do that if your company is not big enough, you don’t employ enough Thai staff etc
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