What type of visa do I need to work in a hotel or coffee shop in Bangkok?

August 19, 2024
a month ago
AKing ********
Hello everyone. I want to find a job in Hotel or Coffee shop in Bangkok then Which Visa I need to do? And how to make it ?. Thanks for reply
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The individual seeks advice on the appropriate visa for working in a hotel or coffee shop in Bangkok. Responses indicate that securing a work visa typically requires a legitimate job offer, alongside specific procedures. Due to local labor regulations, many simple hospitality jobs may be restricted to Thai citizens or occupants from ASEAN countries, including provisions on salary and staff ratios.
John *********************
Don’t think so
Rene ********
@John ********************
it could be different for people from other countries members of Asian
Nigel *****
Thai isn't a place for working in those jobs................better go for English teaching or tour guide
Declan **********
You need a non-b for which you need a legitimate job offer, but you aren't getting a job offer as a barista or someone who just serves the coffee unless you have a specialist skillset that is hard to come by in Thailand as it's a reserved job... Some goes for working in a hotel, if you're not offering a specialist skillset you aren't going to get a job offer.
AKing ********
@Declan *********
thanks you sir. I had asking somewhere but they ask me back about work permit. Then I wandering how to make visa and make work permit?
Declan **********
@AKing *******
you need a job offer and paperwork from the business for the visa and then you need to actually be in Thailand, have all the same documents + more then go to Work Permit office with your employer
AKing ********
@Declan *********
thanks you sir. That's not easy 😔
Ralph *******
You need a work permit.
AKing ********
@Ralph ******
how to make it sir?
Ralph *******
@AKing *******
I don’t think you can for the occupation you are interested in. What is your nationality?
AKing ********
@Ralph ******
I'm Vietnam nationality
Ralph *******
@AKing *******
That’s not one with special privileges.
AKing ********
@Ralph ******
yeah thanks sir for information
Garry ********
There are only certain jobs you can do in thailand, like jobs thai people can't do, or there is not enough thai people to do it, it's about taking jobs away from thai people, the government is very strict about what jobs foreigners are allowed to do,that's why people are laughing at your question, it's been asked a thousand times, but if you don't come here often or live here, you would not know this.
Zac ********
@Garry *******
the OP is Vietnamese, the rules are different for migrant workers from neighbouring countries.
AKing ********
@Zac *******
thanks sir
AKing ********
@Garry *******
thanks for information. I'm not live there for now
Sonny **********
People I know make 300-400 baht ($8-$11) a day working in coffee shops. As a foreigner you are prohibited by law from working in a coffee shop.
Sonny **********
Ha ha… how on earth could someone be angry about my response? I contribute only when I feel I can be helpful. How about you? 🤗
Zac ********
@Sonny *********
he is from Vietnam there are different rules for migrant workers from neighbouring countries.
Zac ********
Looking on your profile it appears that you are Vietnamese, many people commenting here don't realise that there are different rules for migrant workers from neighbouring countries.

I think you should direct your enquiry to your nearest Thai embassy or possibly try and find a Facebook group for Vietnamese people who are living and working in Thailand.
Angelo ***********
@Zac *******
AKing ********
@Zac *******
thanks for your advice 🙏🏼
Zac ********
@AKing *******
no problem, good luck.
Amadou ******
This kind of job is reserved to Thai citizens.
Angelo ***********
@Amadou *****
Every ASEAN country citizen can do a "reserved job". Your "law knowledge" is outdated several decades.
Amadou ******
@Angelo **********
Do you have any PDF document to prove that?
Angelo ***********
@Amadou *****
No I am not collecting random links. Point is: stop googling for laws. If you have a serious law issue, like founding a company, find a competent law firm.

Laws in Thailand - unlike Germany for example - do not get "changed" they get superseded by "government act X" and "government act Y".

If you do not know those acts, your knowledge is out of date.
Zac ********
@Amadou *****
look it up yourself, it's common knowledge that migrant workers from neighbouring countries follow different rules, go to any big building project or factory even and you will find many migrant workers working legally.
Antony **********
I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to ask. I mean if you are young enough to want to work there and love the lifestyle you need to know what you can do whilst not enjoying the nightlife. And from what I see the Thai service culture is super customer friendly. I understand though it's seems to be a closed shop just for Thai nationals but any information is useful on the subject.
AKing ********
@Antony *********
yes. Because I have Thai friends and I want to live there. I like Thai life here
Si *******
Do you know how much Thais get paid?

Earn in the West

Spend in the East
Declan **********
@Si ******
depends on what you do for a living, for example, a legitimate teacher working in an international school is being paid far more than most teachers in the west and that's without considering the vast difference in the cost of living.
Angelo ***********
@Declan *********
You mean America. Not "the West". There is no way that a teacher in an international School in Thailand even earns half the money of a German or Swedish or Norwegian teacher. But the rest of your comment is right: the cost of living. And here in Thailand they often get extra allowences for housing or travel etc.
Clay *********
You need a Learn Something New visa.
Duncanc **********
Thai passport is sufficient
AKing ********
@Duncanc *********
how to get it sir?
Saskia *********
@AKing *******
he's joking with you. Ignore this message.
Jim ********
If you have been offered a job then the company will assist you with the visa. You don’t get a visa in the hope you will get a job! Thats not how it works
AKing ********
@Jim *******
now I understand. Thanks you sir
Henrik *****
AKing ********
@Henrik ****
thanks you sir
Jean-francois *******
No can Do
Nigel **************
The jobs you are looking for are mostly for Thai citizens only
Angelo ***********
You wont get a job as a simple coffee server. That is in theory a reserved job for Thai. And in practice reserved for people from ASEAN countries. With luck you could form your own limited company and get a work permit if you are "some how special".

With luck I mean: if your business idea is just a star bucks copy: no chance.
Henrik *****
But need 2 million baht to get a work permit to work in your own business.
Zac ********
@Henrik ****
he is Vietnamese what you are saying doesn't apply to migrant workers from neighbouring countries.
Angelo ***********
@Henrik ****
No, you don't. Silly Facebookers. Ask a Lawyer. You need one anyway.
AKing ********
@Henrik ****
2m to pay for wp or only proof , sir ?
Angelo ***********
@AKing *******
So, people say you are from Vietnam? That is an ASEAN country. So, rules are different than for other foreigners (like me). Find a law group for business, or dare to ask a Lawyer. Usually the first consulting is free.

As a Vietnamese, it should be no problem. Perhaps a bit costly (no idea).
AKing ********
@Angelo **********
thanks you sir.
Angelo ***********
@AKing *******
Registered capital. Not paid in capital into the company. A typical facebook troll. Does not know what the difference is between a registered company with maximum 2 million THB liability versus paying in the money. For a normal limited company up to 5million THB you have not to pay anything into the company during founding.
Henrik *****
As capital for the compagny
AKing ********
@Angelo **********
thanks for information
Stephen ********
Your name is your job you want to do serve coffee by coffee do you know john coffee from the Green Mile
AKing ********
@Stephen *******
sorry I don't know John Coffee
Chris *********
You want to work for low sallery?
Henrik *****
Foreigners need to have a salery of 50.000 baht to get a work permit, and there has to 4 Thai staff for 1 foreigner.
Zac ********
@Henrik ****
not for migrant workers from neighbouring countries, the OP is Vietnamese so what you are saying doesn't apply to them.
Henrik *****
That is his problem, that he not supply the necessary details, when asking a question.
AKing ********
@Chris ********
how much salary is it ?
Randy ********
@AKing *******
378 baht Is the average wage per day. I don't think you'll be able to get a work permit. All these jobs are reserved for Thai residents.
AKing ********
@Randy *******
thanks for information
Sjeng ***********
5555. is this a joke?
AKing ********
@Sjeng **********
no sir. I just don't know about that and want to know
Sjeng ***********
@AKing *******
Pls...you have internet..check..
Terry *********
@Sjeng **********
I thought this is what this group was all about, helping people with advice not ridiculing them for asking a question. Maybe you are in the wrong group.
Apichaya ***********
@Terry ********
isn't it ironic but typical tho, expats being salty towards newbie/future expats. Like idk what they're so mad about when they were once new in Thailand and knew nothing too.
Saskia *********
@Terry ********
I was thinking the exact same thing...
AKing ********
@Sjeng **********
ok thanks sir
Ray *****
AKing ********
@Ray ****
what is funny, sir ?
Saskia *********
@AKing *******
for them it's funny because they know this information and can't understand from a human perspective that you don't know. So everyone who's laughing at/with you = the ones you should ignore.
AKing ********
@Saskia ********
yeah thanks
John ********
Work visa
AKing ********
@John *******
should I make it in Thai Embassy or services company
Kool *******
@AKing *******
you must have a legitimate job offer before you can get a type B work visa, and you must be hired before you can get a work permit.
AKing ********
@Kool ******
thanks for information
Frank **********
Try citizenship …
AKing ********
@Frank *********
that's impossible for me
Greg *********
@AKing *******
What’s also impossible for you is doing a job that an average Thai person can do, like jobs you mentioned. Not allowed here for foreigners.
Frank **********
@AKing *******
Impossible for most, but the only why you’ll secure that type of work.
Angelo ***********
@Frank *********
Permanent residency is enough.
Rene ********
Visa to another country?
AKing ********
@Rene *******
I mean in Bangkok
Phil ******
@AKing *******
sorry its a Thai only profession as far as I know
AKing ********
@Phil *****
thanks sir
Rene ********
@AKing *******
I don't think they allow foreigners to do those kind of jobs you better check and Google online jobs that foreigners are allowed to do
AKing ********
@Rene *******
ok thanks a lot. But I see somewhere still hiring foreigner have work permit. Why ?
Rene ********
@AKing *******
it also depends on your nationality. If you come from an Asian country like Cambodia Laos or Philippines for example, the situation might be different. I don't know I'm not an expert but I'm just saying that you need to do some more research
Phil ******
@Rene *******
true but op not say nationallity
Rene ********
@Phil *****
I think I said it before if they are from one of the neighboring Asian countries that's an entirely different story that's why they need to Google I suspect that they are
Rene ********
@AKing *******
there is a long list of work that foreigners are not allowed to do there are some fields that are exceptions if they have the right paperwork you really need to Google and find this out there's plenty of information online
AKing ********
@Rene *******
ok thanks sir
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