What is the procedure to convert a Non-O (Retirement) 1 Year Extension of Stay into a Non-B (Teaching) 1 Year Extension of Stay in Thailand?

November 30, 2020
4 years ago
Good day,

What’s the procedure to convert a Non-O (Retirement) 1 Year Extension of Stay into a Non-B (Teaching) 1 Year Extension of Stay?

Hotline (1178) says it’s dependent on the local immigration. Will head there soon, however, some prior clarity would be appreciated.

Thank you for the assistance. 🙂
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The procedure to convert a Non-O (Retirement) 1 Year Extension of Stay into a Non-B (Teaching) 1 Year Extension involves several steps, as you cannot transition directly between these visa categories. You must first cancel your current Non-O extension, apply for a temporary extension, then proceed to secure a Non-B visa based on employment, and subsequently apply for a yearly extension based on that employment. Each step requires you to return to the immigration office on specific dates to finalize your visa changes.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Marcus ********
That's why it is easier to stay on a Non-O marriage extension rather than retirement, with that you can work, with retirement not.
Jean-Jacques **************
yes I agree, but that's not the point of the situation he is in though. Ideally it would be best to have Thai citizenship, but that's not the situation. He isn't married or plans to be anytime soon.
Tod *********
I don't think you're going to be able to go straight from a yearly extension of stay based on being over 50 (retirement) to a yearly extension based on employment :/

I think it is going to be a multi-step process that goes something like this

1- you cancel your current extension of stay based on retirement at your immigration office

2 - You immediately apply for a 60 day "unable to travel due to covid" extension for 1900baht & you get an under consideration stamp.

3- when that date comes up you go back to the immigration office and get the real extension inked into your passport

4 - then you apply for an in country 90 day Non-B visa based on employment with documentation from your employer, pay the 2000baht and get an under consideration stamp

5 - when that date comes up you go back to the immigration office and get the Non-B visa and new 90 day stamp inked in.

6 - when that 90 day stamp runs down to about a month left you go apply for a yearly extension with documentation from your employer for 1900baht, you'll get a 30 day under consideration stamp

7 - when that date comes up you go back to the immigration office and get the year extension inked into your passport

That is how I believe you'd have to do it to pull it off inside the country at this time..
Tod *********
Before you cancel your current extension you need to GO with your employer to the immigration office you're going to use to find out if this can be done.

I have seen it work


I have seen them say nope, can't do it, leave the country and get a Non-B (which is more than impractical during these covid times) :(
Jean-Jacques **************
@Tod ********
4 - then you apply for an in country 90 day Non-B visa based on employment with documentation from your employer, pay the 2000baht and get an under consideration stamp

A point you've already answered, but the immigration stated that one would have to apply for a Non-B outside the country, unless its a Tourist Visa being converted to a Business Visa.

Leaving for him will not be an option, since the return will cost more than the effort is worth.

I appreciate your assistance immensely once again. Thank you
Tod *********
@Jean-Jacques *************
, people have been able to cancel their current extensions, get a covid extension <- which immigration was looking at a 'new' stamp and that allowed people to apply for in country Non-B visas.

It's not all offices that would do it, but I know that some people were able to do it this way.
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