What are the rules for extending a stay based on education and converting it to a work extension in Thailand?

July 21, 2021
3 years ago
Jessie ******
Hey guys i have a couple of questions

First i saw a notice from immigration to only come 3days before your deadline is this only for people on covid extension or in genral

Second and more important qestion.

I am currently on an extention of stay based on education (4th consecutive one) my current one will end 31july and i allready have the paper work to extend it for another 12 months

However i will fulfill my credit requirements to apply for graduation this comming semster (assuming i pass ally classes) (aug 15 - dec 22) if i do graduate will this automatically cancle my extension of stay?

And a last qestion i am Allready job hunting if i find a potential employer can my extention of stay based on ED be converted to an extention of stay based on work and if so how many days need to be left on the extension of stay

Thanks in advanced
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user has questions regarding immigration rules in Thailand, particularly about the three-day notice for extensions, the implications of graduating on their education-based extension of stay, and the possibility of converting their education extension to a work extension. Community responses clarify that the three-day notice applies specifically to certain visa types in Bangkok, that graduating may invalidate their education extension, and that converting the extension requires consultation between the individual, their employer, and immigration officials.
Benjamin ******
>First i saw a notice from immigration to only come 3days before your deadline is this only for people on covid extension or in genral

This is ONLY for Bangkok immigration, and ONLY those who are using Counter J,L,M,N. This for acquiring extension of stay based on the following visas:

- Tourist

- Marriage

- Retirement

- Business

- Employment as a teacher

- Education


>if i do graduate will this automatically cancle my extension of stay?

Your extension of stay is no longer valid after the reason why you acquire the extension of stay no longer exist. I recommend talking to your school about it.

>And a last qestion i am Allready job hunting if i find a potential employer can my extention of stay based on ED be converted to an extention of stay based on work and if so how many days need to be left on the extension of stay

That's between you, your employer, and the immigration office.
Jessie ******
@Benjamin *****
thanks. For the confirmation.

On the last part of changing the extension of stay i am located in bangkok.

Is it really this arbitrary or is it mainly effected by each immigration office having there own set of requirements.
Ellie *******
@Jessie *****
It depends on them because:

- some immigration offices don't accept changing Non-ED based to Non-B based

- some companies cannot provide all required documents for the in-country process (more documents required for the in-country process than the application of Non-B at a consulate abroad)
Tod *********
@Jessie *****
totally up to the immigration office you use and the ability of your employer to meet the documentation requirements inside the country.
Jessie ******
@Tod ********
thank tod ill close the qestion now as i have all relevant info I'll be in the immigration this month anyway so I'll ask while i am there
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