What are the current options for Australians to visit Thailand given recent visa and travel updates?

January 10, 2022
3 years ago
Vaner *******
Is there any development for the ban to be lifted Thai tourist visa? Test &go stopped now. Anything else we can came to Thailand from Australia. Pls dont mentioned about Phuket option
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion addresses the current status of travel to Thailand for Australians. Despite the suspension of the Test and Go program, there is no outright ban on tourist visas. Australians can still enter Thailand using visa exemptions or tourist visas. Alternatives like the Sandbox program, including Koh Samui, are available, which require a quarantine period of 7 days for vaccinated travelers. There are varying requirements based on each traveler's vaccination status and entry method.
Michael ********
Looks at topics for insurance and visa questions
Sammy *******
is the quarantine only 7 days now? not 10 or 14 ?
Michael ********
@Sammy ******
depends where you are coming from and vaccination status
George *********
There seems to be a grammar ban.
Steve *******
@George ********
what would this group be without your genius input?
George *********
@Steve ******
Hozgertin my friend
Steve *******
@George ********
Hoşgeldin* means "welcome". Not "you're welcome".
Wayne **********
@George ********
how’s your Turkish then chief? 🙄
George *********
@Wayne *********
well, I know a few greetings but not much else.
David ********
@George ********
yes, it appears to be as redundant as some people's moral fibre and common courtesy whilst commenting on Facebook.
Garrett ***********
There's no ban on tourist visas
Steve **********
@Garrett **********
but one you get here, you can't tour.

Both sandbox and other require quarantine, either in a controlled area or a room with food service.

If looking to tour, wait a bit longer.
Kristian ***************
Koh Samui Sandbox from tomorrow, January 11
Charles ********
You can come now. Thailand had been open for tourists since Sept 2020 and never closed since. With your Australian passport you can come visa exempt or buy a tourist visa. You can enter via phuket sandbox where you have to stay on the island of phuket for 7 days if you are vaccinated. Otherwise hotel quarantine in bangkok.
Mitchell *******
You can Sandbox on some of the other islands besides Phuket.
Thai ******
There isn't a ban on tourist visas. But test and go has been suspended for now.
Michael ********
If vaccinated can do quarantine 7 days or Sandbox which you say not interested in. So seven days stuck in hotel rather than seven days in hotel where you are allowed out after results of pcr test.
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