The discussion centers around the current status of quarantine measures and the Phuket Sandbox for travelers to Thailand. It's confirmed that the Sandbox program, which allows vaccinated travelers to avoid strict quarantine, is still operational. The conversation highlights some misconceptions, clarifying that the Sandbox is different from traditional quarantine, as it permits some movement within certain areas, specifically on islands like Phuket. There are mentions of requirements for entry, such as booking SHA+ hotels and undergoing PCR tests.
, you are quarantined on the Island. You cannot leave. You just have a very big "room".
Bobby ********
Mitchell Trott. Quarantine by definition means "isolation". If you believe that being restricted to remain on a 500 square kilometre island which is one of the major tourist destinations of the world is "quarantine" you have some serious issues. Seek help now! 🤣🤣🤣
, I know. It is a very loose type of quarantine. But it is technically a quarantine, as it restricts movement (off island) to help contain and control.
Bobby ********
Mitchell Trott. "Restrict movement" - you are aware you can meet friends, go drinking in bars in Bangla Road, go to the gym, swim in the pool, eat at restaurants anywhere in the 500 square kilometres, hire a car, hire a lady from a multitude of bars? call it quarantine, but I simply cannot see it. Unless of course, you're in a hurry to get to Buriram for some real excitement!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mitchell *******
I know, I know. Restricted in that you cannot leave Phuket. How's that. 😁🍻
And you have to stay in your room until you get your Airport arrival PCR result.
Mitchell *******
You will also have to book SHA+ transport to your Sha+ hotel.
Mitchell *******
You have to book and pay for your Sha+ hotel, your PCR tests, and your insurance before you do the thai pass. You also have to input a Flight date and number (Although you aren't required to prove that you paid for the flight yet.)
yes sir people replied me. I have to mention I'm 21 year old boy and travelling world it's my childhood dream and this is my first abroad travel and also this is covid 19 time right and also I'm traveling solo everywhere it's my dream so I don't have any experience in abroad travel that's why in mind so many questions there that's why I asking questions again and again. Because for me here no one there for guide with these knowledge that's why I'm asking in this group lot's of questions.
And you asked why I visiting. Definitely not for fun and my Thailand visit not only for Bangkok I already research write down 25 things what I do in Thailand. So definitely my visit not for fun my every new country travel reason I want know the culture of that place, tradition of that place, Life style of that place, flok dance and song of that place, food of that place, new people from that place and I want to experience these all from my travel and I want to write book on my travel and I have to inspire people who want to like travel world from my experience this is my intention to visit Thailand.
After Thailand I'm going Philippine so I have big schedule to visit one after another country visit.
actually not this period I planning since 2 years but because of covid 19 I cancelled my plan but this year I must want to travel because I don't know when this pandemic end I wait for last 2 years but still pandemic not end so I decided it's waste of time waiting for end pandemic so I decided to travel my first abroad travel with Thailand in the month April on the occasion of songrakan festival sir