Is it possible to avoid the 90-day reporting with a DTV visa in Thailand?

Oct 8, 2024
9 days ago
Ruel *******
I entered Thailand last week on a Non O 90-day visa which I obtained while in Canada. After successfully opening a bank account, I am debating whether to extend my current VISA or leave Bangkok, forego my current VISA and apply for a DTV Visa. Reason - I want to avoid the hassle of the 90-day reporting. I am thinking of going through the medical route - full medical check up. Has anyone been successful applying through this category? I plan to lodge my application in Manila or Taipei. Since I am already in Bangkok, I plan to visit one of the hospitals here and make an inquiry and request an official letter for the medical check up.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is considering whether to extend their Non-O 90-day visa or switch to a DTV visa to avoid the requirement of 90-day reporting. They express interest in obtaining a full medical check-up as part of the DTV application process. Several commenters clarify that the DTV visa still requires 90-day reporting, and share their personal experiences regarding the visa application process, including successful applications by arranging medical appointments in Bangkok before applying from other locations.
Tsai *****
I didn't know DTV also needs 90 days report. Do I need to calculate the days myself? Can I do it online?
Paul *******
@Wannikea ********
You can. You can leave prior to the end of the grace period. Then when you return you receive a new stamp and the reporting period resets.
Wannikea *********
@Tsai ****
89 days from the entry date. You have a 3 week window to report, 15 days before or up to 7 days after the due date. In most cases you need to do the first 90 day report in person. You can do online or via mail before, but must report in person if on the due date or after.
Paul *******
@Wannikea ********
Meaning if you leave Thailand within 97 days of entry without doing a report you'll be fine. As long as you're leaving every 90 days or so.
Wannikea *********
@Paul ******
huh? 97 days?

The report is due to report that you have spent 90 consecutive days in Thailand. Not 91 or 97. The 7 days after is a reporting grace period to DO the report in person. It must be done.
Paul *******
@Wannikea ********
BUT if you leave Thailand no later than 97 days after having first entered, the 90 day reporting period resets! That's because they won't or can't fine you until after 7 days have elapsed following the 90 days because that's the grace period.
Wannikea *********
@Paul ******
you are completely mistaken.

90 days starts when you enter Thailand, not leave.

You make the report when being in the country 90 consecutive days, period. It's the grace period to report, it's not a period to extend the reporting. It's pretty darn simple. It doesn't mean you can leave without reporting requirement from day 90-97.
Sam ******
@Ruel ******
I had a similar dilemma, not about the 90 day reporting which isn’t a hassle to me because I travel frequently, but more about the inconvenient dates of annual renewal.

My Non O retirement (extension and multi re-entry) is due to expire on 30th December, and as I plan to travel over Christmas time I didn’t want the constraint of being in Thailand during the preceding three ish weeks to undergo the renewal process. So I decided to apply for a DTV.

Yesterday I successfully applied in Jakarta under Soft Power medical. I provided a doctor’s diagnosis letter from a Bangkok clinic together with a schedule of four appointments over a period of 3-4 months, all signed by the doctor and stamped by the clinic.
Ruel *******
@Sam *****
did you go to a clinic while still in Bangkok and arrange for the medical appointments before leaving for Jakarta?
Sam ******
@Ruel ******
Yes. I went to a medical clinic in BKK. They provided signed and stamped letter and appointment schedule for the dates and date range I required.

You can PM me if you’d like more info.
Ruel *******
Hi Sam, sent you a PM. Thanks.
Stephan ***********
I wonder who started this rumor about "no 90 day reports" with DTV... it's a kind of tourist visa, not an Elite or LTR...
Vitaly ********
@Stephan **********
Elite is also a "tourist" visa and requires 90-day reports. The only one exempt is LTR
Paul *******
@Vitaly *******
LTR isn't exempt. Only that they need to do them once a year.
Vitaly ********
@Paul ******
if you're required to do 365-day reports (which is an automatic thing as you have to go to the immigration for an extension anyway) instead of 90-day ones, that's definitely means "exempt from 90-day reporting"
Stephan ***********
@Vitaly *******
It's a 10 year visa, 5 years for start plus one extension (5 years). Reporting is once per year, but you can use an agent or sent any person with a power of attorney.

For Elite-Visa... they must report every 90 days, but the package includes a concierge service. No need to take care by yourself...
Paul *******
@Vitaly *******
NO. For the LTR visas, they don't deal with immigration for 5 years apart from the 12 month reports.
Stephan ***********
@Vitaly *******
Okay, but you don't have to do the reports by yourself... the concierge service take care.
Vitaly ********
@Stephan **********
it's absolutely effing useless, no one in their right mind would use this "service". You can do it online in about 30s or waste a few hours and drop your passport off at their office and then pick it up it a few days later. And it's Bangkok only
Stephan ***********
@Vitaly *******
Useless or not... as you see is the reporting a big drama for some people... whyever...

Well... I like to do it in person... we have three offices here. The main office has a drive through counter, the branches do walk in. 5 to 10 minutes and you are on your way home... with your passport and a new slip... :-)
Greg ********
@Stephan **********
Was it not in the video with the Canadian Retired Working for Yiu guy and the Minister from the MFA? Whether it was or not the 90 day has nothing to do with 90 day. That is entirely down to Immigration and they have agreed Elite and LTR are once a year. Some other BOI visas are similar.
Stephan ***********
@Greg *******
This video? I don't remember that they talked about the 90 day reports... but I might be wrong.
Greg ********
@Stephan **********
I do not know either as I did not watch it all. I still do not understand this "Fear" of 90 day reporting. I just answered in another thread. It is not complex or hard to do.
Stephan ***********
@Greg *******
Yeah... for some people the 90 day seems to be the big showstopper... whyever. Since they really fixed the Onlinesystem it's pretty easy going.
Greg ********
@Stephan **********
I go to the office to report too as I go to a nice restaurant close by and an expat shop. Make a morning of it. :-)
Stephan ***********
@Greg *******
Yep. exactly what I do... I have some nice places around any available office here... restaurant, coffeeshop, shopping, quick visit at the beach... :-)
Nga **************
@Stephan **********
having to remember to do it every 3 months is very annoying and stressful and difficult for certain people. Plus you can't stack the initial appointment with your extension of stay application. And if you leave Thailand every 95-100 days or so, it means visiting the IO every single time you return from a trip.
Greg ********
@Nga *************
Sorry why do you need to visit IO if you return from a trip? The 90 days resets upon entry. For years I never did a 90 day as I travelled on business while on a B and WP. As for rendering to do it just look in yiur passport. There is the 90 day report in there along with the next date required.r
Nga **************
@Greg *******
If you stay in Thailand just over 90 days each time, you'd have to go to IO each time. That's why I said 95-100 days each stay as an example.
Greg ********
@Nga *************
OK. What is the panic about having to do a 90 day report though. It is easy and no hassle at all. The DTV is a great visa and people bedwetting over a small requirement.
Stephan ***********
@Nga *************
Um... what can I say... I did more than 50 reports now already, all in person, and I'm still not stressed out by that. But... to be honest... it's pretty easy here... 3 offices, walk in or drive through, 5-10 minutes and you are done.

Is it a bit annoying? Yes. Is it stressful? Not for me. And there is still the option to do it online... it works pretty well since they "renovated" the system, they will remind you per mail, really not a big thing.
Greg ********
@Stephan **********
Stressful? How do these people get through life? As for rendering there is a piece of paper stapled into you passport with a records of doing the 90 day with the next date required on it too.
Nga **************
@Stephan **********
Good for you, that's you. Not everyone else is you. Some of us live far away from IOs without personal transportation, so going to the "local" IO every few months can be a whole ordeal. Some of us are old or sick or disabled and struggle to make the trip. Some of us are too ADHD to comfortably navigate this much bureaucracy, the frequent requirements generate a lot of extra mental load. Some are multiple of those things and more. It's a diverse world.

The process has been simplified, perhaps, but let's not kid ourselves that so many of these steps have to be this burdensome, or that there has to be so many steps.

(Personally, I keep beating myself up for not trying to move to the US or some EU country this time instead because I know for a fact that it's a million times simpler for me. But from the outside, without any frame of reference, I did not realize it would be this convoluted)
Stephan ***********
@Nga *************
No, not everyone is me, but even here are more than enough people who complain about it. Anyhow... it is what it is... we will not change the rules here (sadly).

I totally understand what you say, that it can be a kind of burden, but on the other side there are options... more than some years ago already... online, agent, anyone with power of attorney, different visa... no need to do it in person.
Jared *********
90 day reporting is the same for either of those visas.
John *******
You also have 90 day reporting with the DTV
James ********
Correct ✅