Has anyone completed a 90-day report under the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) program?

Oct 8, 2024
8 days ago
DTV 90 day report- has anyone done theirs yet?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) was introduced on July 15, 2024, making it currently impossible for anyone to have completed a 90-day report, as no one has been in the country long enough. Some participants shared their experiences with reminders from immigration but reiterated that 90-day reporting under this new visa has not yet occurred due to the recent implementation of the program.
Simon ************
Do you think you need to show your minimum 500.000thb everytime you do report? When you aply for the visa they say you only need to habe the 500.000thb when you aply the first time to get the visa aproved 🤔
Lyle *********
How would this be any different from a normal 90 day report on any visa?
Tod *********
Umm, news flash there my Anonymous participant 😮

The Destination Thailand Visa program is only 85 days old 🙁

no one has been IN the country on a DTV long enough to have done a 90 day report yet
Tim ***********
@Tod ********
but you can still do a 90 day report up to several days before. I think it’s 10 days or two weeks but I can’t remember.
Tod *********
@Tim **********
90 day reporting window

IN PERSON <- from 2 weeks before until 1 week after the 90th day

ONLINE <- from 2 weeks before down until the due date (first 90 day report has to be done in person)

MAIL IN <- envelope must be postmarked 14 days before the due date
Tim ***********
@Tod ********
right. So technically people could have done a 90 day report already. That was my point.
Tod *********
@Tim **********
there are no reports of anyone on a DTV saying they did a 90 day report that I can find on the inter-web 😛
Tim ***********
@Tod ********
but it’s possible that there are. Most people don’t run to Facebook to celebrate doing 90 day reports haha
Wannikea *********
What a waste of binary code question.
ElĂ­as ********
Impossible so far, as the visa was just introduced on July 15th this year.
Stephan ***********
@ElĂ­as *******
The first possible day for the report was the 27th of September, if one got the visa straight on the first day in July.
ElĂ­as ********
@Stephan **********
how so? Isn't 90 days from July 15th like October 15th or so?
Stephan ***********
@ElĂ­as *******
15 days before due, 7 days after... that's the timeframe... ;-)
ElĂ­as ********
@Stephan **********
Oh, thanks for the info. I haven't never had to file one myself so I wasn't aware of that time frame. Then, yes, there might be people who already filed for it.
Stephan ***********
@ElĂ­as *******
I doubt it, but in theory it would be possible... yes.

Btw... your due date starting from July 15th would be October 12th, not 15th. It's 90 days, not three month. Entry day is always counted as day 1.
Stephan ***********
Oh... one more thing... this timeframe is for report in person, for online reporting it's just 15 days before due, no overdue allowed.
ElĂ­as ********
But soon
Mike *****
No, but got a reminder from immigration to do this with a date and warning. What do you like to know?
Deepak *******
@Mike ****
If you entered in July, a 90-day repost will be due soon.
Mike *****
@Deepak ******
bit later but he added a note to my passport. If i not show up he said he will fine me 😂 Also depends if I leave before but he's pretty serious about it.
Deepak *******
@Mike ****
Yes, 90-day reporting is required because Thailand wants to keep a tight control on foreigners; otherwise they will go berserk.