Can I get my visa extension stamp after the due date if I'm traveling?

January 27, 2021
4 years ago
Kev ****
Got Non-O extension 15 days visa consideration and need to come back on Feb 3 for official stamp for 60 days total. I have an up coming trip to Hua Hin on the 3rd. Would I be able to get stamp later than the 3rd...maybe 5th?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on whether they can obtain their Non-O extension stamp, which is due on February 3, at a later date, specifically February 5, due to travel plans. Responses highlight that while some immigration offices may allow a late stamping, others might void the extension. Given the impending deadline for Covid-related extensions, it is advisable to check with the immigration office as soon as possible for clarity before proceeding with travel.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Michael *********
Ask your IO asap. A "Yes" brings peace of mind. Not asking is officially a "No".
Andy ********
I realise you are here on holiday and want to make the most of it and travel as much as you can. Just keep in mind the message from the Government is to travel as little as possible. Tod's advice is sound to get the go ahead before you travel.
Tod *********
as a rule the offices are pretty good about letting you go AFTER the due date on the U/C stamp because the under consideration stamp is the first 2 weeks of your new extension.


Some offices are NOT good about it and they will void the extension and make you apply again. AND seeing as the ability to apply for covid extensions runs out on Friday the 29th, meaning IF they voided it you'd be up shit creek without a paddle

I would slog on over to your immigration office and ask them if you can show up later.
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