Can I extend my 60-day Thai tourist visa at any time before it expires?

January 10, 2022
3 years ago
John *********
Hi Everyone

I’m thinking to extend my 60 dayTV another 30 days. Can I do the extension at any time within the 60 days or is there a cutoff point?

Thanks for your help🙏
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TLDR : Answer Summary
You can extend your 60-day Thai tourist visa 30 days before its expiry, and some offices may allow an extension of up to 45 days. It's advisable to go early to avoid any issues, as the additional days will be added to your existing visa stamp. Additionally, you can inquire about potential COVID-19 extensions right away.
Jeremy ********
You can always ask for the COVID extension right away and see what they do for you
Stuart *********
@Jeremy *******
then you’d have to be careful because for the first covid application they may well date it from the day you apply and you’d lose any existing days on your current stamp (not all offices do this but many will).
Jeremy ********
@Stuart ********
if you’re at the end of your 60 days what do you have to lose????
Stuart *********
@Jeremy *******
The OP was asking when could they do the extension, and I pointed out they could do it 30 days (maybe 45) early. You wouldn’t want to do a covid extension that early if they’re going to date it from application.
Jeremy ********
@Stuart ********
or maybe he’s close to the end…he wrote it extremely vaguely
Stuart *********
@Jeremy *******
without more input from him I couldn’t say. I just pointed out to be careful with the covid extensions and the date they apply. Seen a number of reports that offices add the days on but also many where they date it from date of application because the “reason for an extension“ has changed.
Jeremy ********
@Stuart ********
he might be at day 55 or 3 who knows he never said
Stuart *********
You can do the extension 30 days (some offices allow 45 days) prior to expiry. There’s no downside to going early as they add the days on to your existing stamp.
Tony *******
@Stuart ********
which offices allow 45?
Nexa *******
@Tony ******
@Stuart ********
very interested in this
Stuart *********
@Nexa ******
Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Buri Ram. Perhaps some others. I’m not sure of the rules in all.
John *********
@Stuart ********
thanks for clearing that up for me. These days we need to check then double check everything. Cheers
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