For tourist visa, how many days before the expiration date should I apply for a visa extension?
For example, if my visa will expire on 15th April, and I go for visa extension on 5th April, will the Immigration office count the extension from 6th April onwards or will the extension be applied after the expiration date (16th April)?
Appreciate your recommendations.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
You can apply for a tourist visa extension up to 30 days before your current visa expiration date. When you apply for the extension, the additional time will be added to the end of your current entry stamp, meaning that you do not lose any days by applying early.
our visa expire 14th April , but we went to the immigration on 25th March and get 60 days covid extension. ( but we need back on 8th just to get the stamp) will count from 14th April π
I have read the process, it looks pretty simple. However, if I need any help, definitely I will collect the agents contact from you. Thank you so much for your help.
You went to immigration in person on the 25, and you have to go back on the 8th. What was the point of hiring an agent? Doesnt sound like she did anything for you.
she make appointment for us, we go with her van , we had a problem with immigration and she solve for us. She filled all doccuments too. 500baht I paid for her.