Mischa ********
This is a summary of
Mischa ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 2 comments.



Mischa *********
Update: Went to Immigration. They need TM30 and neither my Host nor the Hotel before filed it so they verbally denied the extension.

So I will change to a Hotel next week and make sure they file the TM30 and then go Immigration again.

I will continue to try to reach the host or maybe contact Airbnb to get a refund.

Thanks for your help all 🙋
Mischa *********
>LEGALLY, AirBnbs are illegal if they are rented out for under 30 days (and you don't have a lease agreement).

Ah so it's illegal even for a few months, when there is no lease agreement?

>If the hotel is willing to do the TM30, that's one possibility.

Why willing? I thought they automatically do that/have to do that?

I was in Chiang May a few times for several months and usually i stayed longterm in hotels and they did it automatically. So i never looked deeper into that topic.

It's so annoying that although I'm not the one responsible for doing it and aren't even able to do it but I'm the one getting the problems and pay for owners unwillingness to do it correctly.

>You do realize you can only get one 30 day extension of stay based on tourism, correct?

Yes I'm aware, my plan was to go for the covid extension or hope for possibilites opening up like border runs or changing to ed visa or going to Vietnam if possible...etc. I'm open minded^^

Thank you for your help. I think best is I will go tomorrow morning and just see what happens and evaluate from there. I wouldn't mind paying the fine if i get the extension then, so let's see.