Anonymous participant be aware that the airline you use could require proof of onward travel before allowing you on the airplane. As I understand it, if asked for, you don't need to have an actual ticket out of thailand, just have it booked and show them the confirmation of that at the gate. I've seen several people on here share that they were asked at the gate, while many others weren't. I would err on the side of caution.
Here is an easy and cheap way to make sure it all goes smoothly
you do realize that different embassies are stricter that others, right?
Take your terrible "advice" somewhere else, bub. You are just going to get people denied by telling them they don't have to follow the rules simply because you didn't get caught lying on your visa application.
By the way, you should really stop abusing the visa application system. It's a bad look for everyone that is on a DTV. It's a new thing that is already politically contentious. We don't need people like you ruining it for the rest of us ✌️
Anonymous participant they want specific information about your flight, so yes you really have to book your flight before applying. Same with the address you provide them, but you can easily change that after you are approved, same with the flight. If you are this concerned about it, you should book a cheap place and a cheap flight that are fully refundable. That way, you do what you are supposed to do and if anything comes up you can cancel and get your money back.
If you want the visa, don't try to bend the rules about it. It will only make everyone on this visa look bad.