To each their own. People have google and the internet now too which has to make it easier than it was 35 years ago. I spent 12 years in five countries and 4 were not english speaking countries . Everyone’s comfort levels are different and if that’s what works for you more power to you. I don’t mind the challenge and again I think the foreign aspect of it all is what’s exciting to me. Eager to get there and have the opportunity to learn more of the language and befriend some local folks.
we have spent a bit of time in Thailand and SE Asia but no don’t read or write in thai . I don’t think you need to speak thai to move there though. Basic phrases can get you what you need until you learn more. The language barrier and the foreign aspect of it all is part of the adventure🙌🏻
Trial runs are very smart! We have spent some time in Thailand and are experienced in living abroad. Just trying to soak in as much info on visas as we can! It’s a lot to unpack