Simon ********
This is a summary of
Simon ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 6 comments.



Simon *********
Pleased this has got noticed and we all agree there is no need for what these individuals have said and now all have been deleted and the individuals have been blocked from the group

I have found this group to have a wealth of information which is second to none and proud to be part of it lets keep up the good work
Simon *********
Not just one Paul seen a few dissing the locals and country and the foreigners whom call it home or second home
Simon *********
Congratulations on the visa for your wife I need to do one for my wife in November can you tell me what I need to do where do I find the forms as I want to get a copy printed off to prepare it with my wife so that we know we have all the required information and the visa we require is spousal setement visa to the UK for my wife I just don't know where to start or which visa we need or the other information

Also I'm self employed work for a agency as a hgv1 driver do I tell them the company I work for or the agency (it is full time do I provide the pay slips from my work as proof of income in order to support her

What paperwork does my wife need ?

What other paper work do I need to provide?

Any help to make this as easy as possible gratefully appreciated if possible please pm me yet so I have the information to hand and can look at a glance rather than searching through the posts

Thankyou in anticipation
Simon *********
Will be needing your advice in November as applying for my wife to come over yet possibly on a spousal visa to stay