Looks like admin needs to take a look at some of the recent posts and start booting people off the group
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Recent discussions in the group have highlighted concerns about inappropriate posts made by some members, which led to a call for admin intervention. Members expressed that they've noticed some negative comments about locals and the country, prompting the need for reporting features and better group moderation. Some comments were deleted promptly after being reported, and members encouraged each other to use the report feature to help maintain the group's positive environment.
You missed nothing of information value . But a world of comments to some idiot who wanted a fake visa could he did,nt have enough money a complete lost head , not the sort of post for this group that blocked it and him rightly so but the man was not of this planet
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Paul **********
Tod *********
Wow, I didn't see any of it. :O Sorry someone got thru and riled everyone up'
Paul **********
I did find some of it amusing a complete lost head dont know if he was drunk , drugged , acting , or just plain stupid or maybe all
No David he was a chap i went to school with A nice fella but me and him were chalk and cheese . My life was the pub 7 nights plus sat and sunday dinner . His life stay home do the garden wash the car cook and clean . But our wives went to school together and were good friends his wife used to nag him why dont you be like Paul get out my way and go down the pub , My wife why dont you be like Trever and help around the home . Theres a moral to this story I knew an Aussi bloke Dean bigish bloke had a couple of big motor bikes and an American called Chuck whose wife had a coffee shop on the main road through sSurin. My mate popped in Garys in Prassat yesterday he said the place was dead his shelfs and freezers hardly any stock he just sat there looking miserable as fuck
. Me too. I heard u talk about Trevor Williams. Was that the guy who lived in Sanom, nr Tatum, Surin province??????
Paul **********
Yes David very much so i just love a photo comment i nick em all the time
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Paul **********
I must say the comments were entertaining
Let's just say you missed out
Thomas ********************
Such as? :) Have to admit I'm curious
Paul **********
Not the place for it Charlie but i did save quite a few picture comments that will be used in other groups lol
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Paul **********
Simon *********
Pleased this has got noticed and we all agree there is no need for what these individuals have said and now all have been deleted and the individuals have been blocked from the group
I have found this group to have a wealth of information which is second to none and proud to be part of it lets keep up the good work
But you need to be reading off the Group's wall in order to be able to "report to admin" You cannot do this when reading off your news feed.
Every group has that
Tod *********
I think we have that because sometimes there are posts in this tab
Reply to
Tod *********
So did holic get his copy visa? 😂
Simon *********
Not just one Paul seen a few dissing the locals and country and the foreigners whom call it home or second home
Paul **********
Just one idiots moment of face book glory
Tod *********
If any member sees a post they think doesn't belong on here please use the report feature and report it to an admin so it's flagged for us..
Sijan **********
just for the record, if mistakenly someone clicks "report group" facebook will take actions (if there are numerous reports ) against the group ranging from banning further post to closing the group. (so do not click the "report group" , this group is really helpful)
Eric ********
Reported at least 3 posts "to the admin" yesterday
you can from your phone, but you need to be reading off the groups wall not from your newsfeed
Yvonne *********
On my wall, on my phone!
Mark *******
Yeah.... noticed I couldn't report from my phone either. I reported to facebook as some of the activity was requesting illegal information but, would have been nice to boot him immediately.
Valère *************************
But you need to be reading off the Group's wall in order to be able to "report to admin" You cannot do this when reading off your news feed.
Yvonne *********
It's the arrow next to the post, and report to admin is at the end. I reported those people as soon as I saw what was going on!