Brian ********
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Brian ********
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Brian ********
If you have a valid OA/resident visa and are “returning home” then I can’t imagine that the new rules apply.

Your visa is in your passport already approved, clearing showing a long stay residency.

Just go to the airport ASAP and get back into Thailand is my advice. They won’t hassle you regarding medical checks.
Brian ********
@Munly ******
how much would you pay to avoid having to live in fear every time you try to re-enter the country, that your Ed Visa will be declined? Or stuck in Cambodia with a denied visa and a life back in Chiang Mai?

Not to mention you can come and go last minute as you please and presumably they treat you better at immigration in terms of wait time and other BS?

Depends on cost obviously...

Plus, you’re now technically “a resident” and not “a tourist” anymore. That’s kinda cool.

Go get a drivers license and welcome to Thailand. 🙂