Hi. I am going through the same process right now. And like you, I am a planner. So, what I have done is 1. Consulted with a Canadian tax accountant to understand the financial implications of a relocation. Depending on your circumstances you will either become a non resident of Canada or retain residency status. You can then understand the tax repercussions and the health benefits which are tied to residency. You may want to consult a tax accountant in Thailand to understand Canadian/Thai tax treaties and any implications for you. 2. Discussed with my financial advisor and bank regarding where my money will reside and if remaining in Canada how money will be transferred from bank to bank 3. Visa - I am using an agent in Thailand to expedite my retirement visa and the paperwork. I agree it’s doable online through the Thai
Embassy in Ottawa. I find this easier 4. Global Health Insurance options and costs - an agent is very helpful since there are many global companies and many options with varied costs within each company. And, it’s very different to what we experience in Canada. 5. Where you want to live and options (rent/ purchase). 6. Shipping of possessions- I’m not taking a lot (no furniture or electronics) but I do want somethings. I’m researching shipping companies and steps, costs and timing required.
I started my research last Spring and while early I’ve been able to research a lot. I’m in Thailand this winter and will meet with Thai contacts I’ve made and begin to fine-tune the details prior to my permanent move in November 2025. Good luck. Hope this helps