Will Thailand open Special Tourist Visas (STV) for foreigners currently in the country?

November 4, 2020
4 years ago
Mark ***********
Anyone know whether they are even considering opening up STVs for foreigners already in-country?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
In response to inquiries about the likelihood of Thailand opening Special Tourist Visas (STVs) for foreigners already in the country, users have confirmed that such options are currently unavailable. The STV is designed to attract tourists from abroad rather than those already in Thailand. General confusion exists around visa types, as some members mentioned that tourist visas cannot be obtained inside Thailand. Users noted strict regulations around visa applications, including a requirement for sufficient funds in a bank account and the inability to change visa types once in the country.
Kathy ****************
DC Embassy states that next week.. spoke with them today.. Must have 500,000 baht showing for 6 months in bank..
Tod *********
they already started with the regular tourist visas


keep in mind both the new "regular" tourist visa and the Special Tourist Visa state they cannot be used to change to another type of visa once you're in thailand. :/

you're locked into that visa, can extend it for as long as it allows and then you leave..
Kathy ****************
we have had a few hiccups the latest is them not notifying that they needed more info, talked with them today and hopefully they now have everything.. they don't tell you you can't have triple the income in joint account you must have way less in single accounts.. Also the foreign insurance form needs directors names as well as one signature..
Kathy ****************
we are still sticking with OA..
Kathy ****************
Less money you have to have in the bank..
Tod *********
@Kathy ***************
I've got friends from the US in quarantine now on O-A visas they got AND several more comin' in shortly on them.

They seemed to have really gotten the online process working good on O-A visas at least.
Tod *********
What does that even mean? you could NEVER get a tourist visa INSIDE thailand :/
Lou ****
@Tod ********
is it possible to come back from a non o Visa to Amnesty extension ?

My 90 days finishing the 6th december
Scott **********
@Tod ********
Thanks for saving me the time to say the same thing 😀
Mark ***********
, you wanted to tell me that you could NEVER get a tourist visa INSIDE Thailand? Really? I get my tourist visa inside Thailand every time I visit the country. As for the STV, my post asked whether anyone knew if they would change requirements for that visa. Not sure how else I could have worded it.
Steve *******
@Mark **********
You dont get your tourist visa inside Thailand every time you visit the country, what you get is a 30 day visa exemption. Two totally different animals. The STV isnt issued in country.
Tod *********
these are the list of countries that can apply for the STV
Mark ***********
Tod, it MEANS that we are in a PANDEMIC and things are, WELL, a little DIFFERENT.
Rob **********
No unfortunately not an option
Bobby ********
Unlikely. It's intended to encourage people into the country.
Bobby ********
@Mark **********
. The people already here have visas/extensions. The STV is slowly winding up, but it's aimed at a niche market predominantly in Asia. I think a handful of low-risk countries will enter into "bubble" arrangements with Thailand to eliminate the need for government quarantine. The STV, having potential to go to nine months, is a very flexible visa and I think the Chinese, Koreans and Koreans will take advantage of it
Mark ***********
I gave it a shot about 20 years ago, but Route 66 was replaced, piece-by-piece with other roads, and though you can travel parts of it, there really is no "Route 66" anymore!
Bobby ********
@Mark **********
. You can actually follow most of the original alignment with one or two small detours, as some parts just come to an abrupt end. I drove one section which was a simple two lane highway with the grass creeping in on either side until the pot-holed bitumen was only just wide enough for one car. I turned around thinking I'd gone the wrong way and drove about 30-35 KMs back to the closest town to ask directions to discover I was on the right road. If I'd just driven another 3km I would have passed the familiar brown "Historic Route 66" sign. I took almost three weeks to do it, as lots of towns along the way required further exploration. It was great. I'd like to do it again before I die!
Mark ***********
, you have more nostalgic spirit than I do! I pretty much gave up when I realized how piece-meal it was. Have you tried the Lincoln Highway?
Bobby ********
@Mark **********
. I haven't. That'll be the return trip after the next 66 trip. When I did 66 in 2002, the Lincoln was still being properly mapped. The Lincoln is a proper coast to coast trip so it's a must do. After Covid!
Mark ***********
, and then... the Cannonball Run!
Mark ***********
, I was just thinking it would be nice to settle in here and not have to worry about borders for many months. Now I guess I'm in two-months-at-a-time limbo, but I can't complain.

I don't want to stay here, as I plan to ride my motorcycle to Europe, but I don't want to do that until the borders open up, so there's that. Thanks.
Bobby ********
@Mark **********
. That'd be a ride and a half to Europe! Have you done Route 66?
Mark ***********
, thanks, and it looks like they're letting us extend two months at a time.
Mark ***********
@Bobby *******
and it obviously isn't working, so why not offer it to people the safest group of tourists? The people who are already here. Anyway, I think you're right, but there's always hope...
Mark ***********
Wow, is that
's rule?
Steve *******
It's not avaliable in Thailand.
Bim *******
They have already stated they are not. In addition I am sure this little PR excersise doesn't even exist. The first 100 supposed tourists from China were not even tourists but Chinese government officials.
Wilmont ******
@Bim ******
They’re here to buy up all the closed businesses, hotels and condos.
Bim *******
@Wilmont *****
they already have an exit strategy. Using the fake PCR test if one person tests positive they will cancel the scheme. What's the odds.
ARattanaa *************
@Bim ******
I think you are right.
Chan ****
Jack Ma & company weren't interested?
Bim *******
@Chan ***
I don't understand your comment
Chan ****
@Bim ******
, the STV was intended for high spenders.
Bim *******
@Chan ***
it doesn't exist. Let's wait and see if anyone genuinely enters Thailand on one. Not seen it yet.
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