What options do I have regarding my Special Tourist Visa (STV) situation in Thailand after the recent rule change?

July 3, 2021
3 years ago
Good Morning. Due to a rule change a few days ago, Stv cannot be changed in country anymore which has put me in a bind. Any advice on options without leaving the Kingdom would be great. Tia
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on options available in Thailand following a recent rule change that prevents in-country modifications of Special Tourist Visas (STV). Commenters clarify that the inability to change from an STV has always been the case since the visa's inception. They suggest options such as confirming the type of visa held, looking into potential extensions linked to COVID-19 circumstances, and contacting visa agencies for assistance, although many have stopped handling STV modifications. Discussions also touch on the necessity of making alternative travel plans and adapting to the evolving regulations surrounding visas.
Tod *********
It appears I owe
an apology of sorts ;)

I just contacted three agencies in Bangkok, two flat out said they never did it and wouldn't even fool with it

Thai Visa Centre said they don't normally do it anymore (meaning at some point they did) except in a case by case basis and only if the person was on the last 90 day extension from the STV (meaning they'd maxed the time they get from it out).

Now the O/P shows he's down in the south so probably was dealing with one of the agencies down there.


I'd say you're out nothing by contacting TVC and see what they say as far as if your situation is one they can help in
Tod *********
OO Edward as I said the person I spoke to (not the line "autobots" said they look at them as a case by case basis and you have to have already gotten your last 90 day extension (meaning you've maxed the time on that visa out) AND they only offer the conversion for a few visa types.
Brendon ****************
@Tod ********
thanks Tod
Tod *********
I deleted most of the comments I'd made that I could access (that Danielle Hunter poster blocked me so I can't get to them :P )

Sincerely good luck to
in their endeavor (y)

I'm not so full of myself that I won't admit I was wrong and in this case I was wrong :O ,

SOME agents were indeed converting STV's to other visas :)
David *********
You never could change the stv in country
Danielle ********
It is easily solved with the help of a good attorney… DM me and I’ll share my thoughts… I had it solved in 24 hours
Tod *********
Just curious (seeing as that is only fatal to cats)

Did you enter the country on a Special Tourist Visa and get it converted to a Non-Immigrant visa at your immigration office ? IF so what office did you use?
Tod *********
how about you keep the posts ON the group
@Danielle *******
? That way we can tell if you know your ass from your elbow about what you're running on about?
Danielle ********
@Tod ********
I don’t appreciate the tone … I am willing to share my experiences with “real” people … sarcastic comments have no place in my life
Jean ****************
@Danielle *******
ok thanks.I will contact you.
Jean ****************
I am new to this.Just arriving with s/y.Actually in Q zone.

I want to understand what are my options with stv visa.

1.stay in Thailand until the end of present stv,or

2.stay in Thailand until the end of extension asked 30 of September,extension ending at the end of December,or

3.Go to my country (France)in the middle of stv or extension.It will cancel the stv and if I want to come back from France to Phuket,I will have to ask a tourist visa and a COE in Thai Embassy in Paris.I will leave my s/y in a Marina or à hardstand in Phuket.

4.when coming back,may I stay on my boat or not.I read somewhere it was allowed for yacht owners.

I understand many things could interfere with this.Specifically red,amber and green zone.

On the other hand I must understand the options for insurances and medical issues.

Please inform me.What is allowed or not.Thanks to all.
Jean ****************
I want to have more options in an ever changing situation every day.

If there was no COVID,I would like to leave my boat here,taka a plane at the end of July and go to France.See my family,solve some issues.and come back in November or December for the new season.

But like everyone ,I have to adapt.

I am happy to stay or to leave if travels becomes easy.

Just for the moment have a comprehensive list of realistic options,with this stv visa.
George *************
@Jean ***************
Not sure I understand 2). You could do 1) or 3). 1) is easiest but comes to an end that you can't change. 3) is not easy but you could stay much longer potentially if you can get an extension of stay based on something like retirement. On which basis do you want to stay in Thailand? 4) don't know.
Don-Laura *******
And unfortunately, even the visa companies have their hands tied on this one (I asked several, also having an STV).
Brendon ****************
Don-Laura Traub yes there must be a few of us in this new situation
Bobby ********
Brendon Peter Douglas. Unfortunately too many people listened to the Facebook Visa experts who continually bleated "See an agent - they'll fix it". I do recall Tod was very suspicious about this STV from day one. Not enough was known about it to really give an honest assessment. Those that took the chance have had their nine months, and other than the 60-day covid band-aid there's nowhere else to go. And it's still not known if STV holders are eligible for the "unable to travel" proviso. There's plenty of flights (especially now with the sandbox) going all over the world, and to quote Air Asia "Now everybody can fly". STV holders should certainly be making a Plan B.
Bob *******
Cannot change STD. Pretty much stuck with it
Michael ********
@Bob ******
only herpes rest you can get an injection. Except for aids then your flucked
Bobby ********
Michael Dawson. Are you sharing your own experience in these matters? 🤣🤣🤣
Michael ********
@Bobby *******
555 No just watched cruise ship warning videos (not joking there)

First came to Thailand 1985 on QE2 and when we left hong kong they started putting up warning signs about Pattaya and a list up from previous year of how many and types of diseases caught there 5555
David *********
Go to Visa Company. Money can solve most issues
Benjamin ******
@David ********
I do not know of any visa agents who would touch the STV.
Brendon ****************
@David ********
yes but they’re the ones who have stopped two days ago, hence my problem
Lisa ********************
Not a new rule change. You have never been able to change, adapt or otherwise alter STV. That's why they've stopped issuing them.
Benjamin ******
It’s not a new rule. It’s a rule that was made when the STV first came out.

1. Are you sure you have an STV? I’ve seen reports of people who think they have an STV, but actually an SETV (single entry tourist visa).

2. If you do have an STV, the last day (in theory) you can stay is September 30. *IN THEORY * if they are still being sold, you may be able to get a 60 day extension of stay based on unable to travel due to COVID-19.

You have about 3 months, I’d relax and see what happens.
Michael ********
Its not a new rule change it specifically states when you applied cannot change to any other visa
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