Not sure if anyone can help me please(?), but one would be extremely grateful if anyone can answer the following question for me please:
Which Thai Consulates/Embassies close to Thailand (which you can fly direct to) still issue Double/Multiple Entry TOURIST Visas for U.K Citizens please?
I know before that Singapore would only ever give you a Single Entry TOURIST Visa, and that Kuala Lumpur was also pretty much the same, and it seemed that Penang was the only place you could go to have a chance of obtaining a Double/Multiple Entry TOURIST Visa.
Is this still the same please? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance :)
TLDR : Answer Summary
The response indicates that there are no Thai embassies or consulates in Southeast Asia that issue multiple entry tourist visas (METV) to foreigners without legal residency in that country. The only place to apply for such a visa is in the UK, except for those with resident status in another country. Additionally, it was noted that the Double Entry Tourist Visa is no longer available.