What should I do if my passport with Thai stamps gets washed out?

August 11, 2024
a month ago
Richard *********
Have accidently washed my passport.(well missus has) all intact except the thai stamps have been washed out !!

All except the date of expiry ( see picture).what do I do ?


Thankyou.all the advice .

Eventually got through to.my embassy. Who advised going to immigration here in Kap Choeng.

The very stern looking lady in a very very starched uniform. Told my beautiful wife to be that a trip to Chong Chom border to get stamped

So off we trot.

9 stamps later , 1500 bhat and all is good.

Will definitely get a new passport when I return hone and will always , and I mean always check my pockets before removing and shorts.

Thanks again for all the advice and minor ridicule 😊😊
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user accidentally washed their passport, damaging the stamps but leaving other information intact. After consulting their embassy and visiting local immigration, they managed to resolve their issue by traveling to a border crossing for a new stamp. The conversation includes advice on contacting embassies, replacing damaged passports, and the importance of keeping records of visa stamps. Many users shared personal experiences and suggestions for future precautions.
Nigel ********
Always have photographs of your passport every page. It helps in situations like this.
Chak *********
It's alright, they still have your records at the immigration and you don't need to go at the immigration. Don't listen to those junks spam comments
Devu ********
I’ve had water damage on my passport before. Airlines won’t let you fly with a wet passport.

It’s best you go to your embassy and get it replaced before you plan to travel
Ian *****************
My passport got very water damaged in the tsunami all inks gelled together, I flew to Uk and back with this passport many times and the only problem I had was from UK to Germany where the immigration officer asked what happened to your passport I replied it was in the tsunami in Thailand so he let me through 😃
Dave *****************************
If damaged you require a new passport. From experience, it’s easier to replace a lost or stolen passport than one that is damaged.
Marko ******
Next time try dry heat
Ralph ************
I had the same problem. Immigration said " Get a new passport !"
Garry ********
Get a new wife 🤣
Phil ********
Get some blue ink from B2S.

Put passport back in the washing machine.

Add the blue ink to the softener part tray of the washing machine, do not put it in the part for washing powder.

Start a cold wash, not a hot one as this will damage the glue.

Once the washing machine has finished leave it out to dry but not in direct sunlight.
Dennis **********
Just say the heat melted it. Your record will be on their computer thru passport number.
Daniel *****
Go and see immigration, make it their problem.
Richard ********
Is that a Greenland stamp that I see there???
Richard ********
Show your passport at immigration office
Jeffrey *******
My Thai car and motorbike licenses have my passport number on them. I carry a paper copy of the PP, visa page and entry stamp...plus the phone with all the pics of every stamp. That PP stays in a safe place at home. I can't imagine carrying a PP in your clothing everywhere you go. When I was only a tourist here, it stayed in the hotel safe after check in.
Tommi *******
Replace asap...I was almost denied access to a flight from BKK because a small.piece of rubber melted.onto the main page. It didn't cover anything.
Conrad *******************
Immigration will irion it out for you
Kenneth ***********
You better go to immigration and tell them your wfe did it and there Will be no problem.
Ricky ********
When i holiday i take photo copies of my passport and a photo on my phone and leave original in the hotel room safe .
Tobben ********
Pretend as nothing and let it slide...
Hovvard ******
Don't trust anyone with anything ever.
Dennis *********
Tell the immigration to start using better quality ink!
Greg ************
Get a new Missus?
Daniel ***********
Marital advice: don’t blame it on the missus. Blame yourself for leaving it in your trousers! Happy long life!
ذیشان ******
Next you do dry in same washing machine
Ian **********
You might have to start doing your own laundry from now on.
Marc ********
I once had a passport got wet and was crushed up.

Nobody ever asked me anything
Bob *********
As long as your bio page has no rips or smudges, your good to go. Girlfriend washed min and the stamps were all over the place some missing, some went through to the other page. As soon as you put your fingers on the scanner at border control on the way out, your visa info will pop up on the screen for the immigration officer
John ******
Good luck
Jj ****
Thailand is strict on entry with washed out passports (IO dependant). You might need a new passport in the future
Colin *********
You've got plenty of advice on what you should do about your Passport/Stamps and hopefully you'll get a good dose of marriage advice... Don't blame your wife for what is your fault 🙊 I hope she gets to read this post! Get ahead of your wife finding out about this post and apologise to her if you haven't already done so 🙄
Richard *********
@Colin ********
she already knows.about this post .

But thankyou for your concern 🙏
Eric ******
@Richard ********
I didn't get the impression you "blamed her", but hope you enjoyed all the free marriage advice.🤦🏻‍♂️
Mimmo *******
I spilt beer on mine.....if photo page has any form of damage.....they won't let you fly.... You'll need a replacement passport (not renewal) which is the cheaper of the 2...... Australian embassy took 8 weeks with mine.... Either that or they can issue an emergency passport with only 4 pages which only travel is for returning to home country..... Hope that helps
Alastair *******
I hope you get it sorted!

But why blame your wife?

You left the most important document you have, in a pocket!

It’s nothing to do with her.

In Thai style “It’s not her business”.

As I said, I hope you get it sorted 👍😁
Brenton ******
@Alastair ******
how do you know the circumstances other than his missus washed it? You even assume they are married.
Nick ************
You might have to enter UK in a small rubber boat and then get a new passport.
Richard *********
@Nick ***********
props get a new house and car chucked in too.

Worse case a trip to Rwanda. Nice and sunny too
Nick ************
@Richard ********
many a true word said in jest.
Katherine ************
Haha love how only the Thai washed out! Must of been fakes 😂😉 hope you get sorted ok 👍
Kris *********
Go to immigration. I think they can fix it.
Andy *******
Everything is recorded electronically..your details are held on a data base..no worries
Richard *********
@Andy ******
going to immigration office Tuesday to check.

Have to get a new one when home.phhhht
Louise **********
, you will need to get a new passport to both leave Thailand, & to enter your home country.

It’s a legal document & it is not accepted with water damage (particularly when stamps have ‘washed out’)
Richard *********
@Louise *********
I'm.going to.the local immigration office tomorrow and see what they say .
Richard ********
She washed ....good ....now she have to iron it ...!
Ivan *********
Looks OK to me just wing it
Terary **********
Almost certainly you will have to replace it. It looks like maybe it's a US passport? I recently replaced mine, it had taken about 3 weeks.

Once you get the replacement you will need to transfer stamps, which requires a trip to the local immigration.

I would be curious if you could just exit the country with your busted passport. I recent traveled on my new passport, I gave them both passports on my way out, they did a sort stamp transfer at the airport. It adds 20 minutes to your time to get to the gate.

I *think* you can get emergency travel documents. I *think* those are only good for going home.
Tim *******
@Terary *********
Yes without the emergency travel documents the airline could refuse him passage.
Pertti *************
If someone ask you say you wash it accidentally.. otherwise you need to go get stamp where you got it..
John *******
New wife is a good start lol
Jean-francois *******
It means that we get 60 Days ,even crossing the border overland ??
Andy ********
Get a divorce? 🤣
Louise **********
You will need to apply for a new passport from your home country.

You cannot travel on a damaged passport (it’s a legal document).


Immigration will assist you regarding your visa/stay status.

(Travel Agent)
Nigel ********
@Louise *********
You can use the British embassy in Bangkok or Chiang Mai to apply for a new British passport.It takes about ten days done it 2 months ago
Louise **********
Ross *******
I did that. I had to get a new passport not sure if that’s your case but prepare for that.
Wallace ******
@Ross ******
new passport is required
David *******
She wouldn’t have washed it if you had taken it out of your pocket. Accept responsibility 👍
Richard *********
@David ******
this has been a point of discussion I will admit this
Terje *********
@David ******
not always the case.

My friend washed my jacket with my passport inside and she often wash my pants with money inside the pocket.

I tell her many times if my pants are not with the dirty clothes I never empty the pocket, so if she pick up my pants from the bedroom floor she need to empty the pocket first.

But she learned the hard way after she wash my passport.

I go to the migration office and the fix my last stamp before I order a new passport from my embassy
David *******
@Terje ********
you should not leave your pants on the bedroom floor 😂😂
Terje *********
@David ******
in my head I think if it's not in the basket it's not prepared for washing 😅
Kim ******************
Pray, and then don’t think about it. Since you are leaving the country, I am betting it will be alright 👌
Colin *********************
New wife?
David **********
@Colin ********************
that shouldn't be too difficult in Thailand 😂🤣
Jessie ******
Go for a swim in the beach might get free entry
Phil *******
Ask Facebook, because 'anonymous participants' always know best.
Mike *******
Ralph *******
Get a new passport.
Chris ***********
Try a rinse cycle?
Pete **********
Amazing how many people try this to cover up some irregularity - doesn’t work as all details are on the immigration computer system.
Stefan *******
Paul ********
@Pete *********
A reply in the grand tradition of the, "so, are you still beating your wife?" question.
Pete **********
So do you get asked this a lot?
Richard *********
@Pete *********
nothing to hide. Missus chuckled in the wash. Bit annoyed as had quite a collection of stamps . Most of which now are.the victim of the thai twin tub

( why they use these is beyond me )
Giorgio ******
@Richard ********
why don't you wash your own clothes ?
Robert ********
@Richard ********
I think your better off getting a new passport issued as an emergency. Damaged/tampered passports can cause all sorts of issues.
Bora ********
Take New pasaport
Alan *********
As you are about due to renew your visa go to the immigration and explain what has happened, they can look back at your records to verify your details.
Jeffrey *******
For future reference, always, always take pics of your stamps and any entries.

Hope you get it sorted out.
Heath ***********
@Jeffrey ******
good idea. I take pictures of many things but never thought about the passport before.
Anton ********
call your embassy . that should be your first step
Richard *********
@Anton *******
tried calling them a couple of daysbago about something different. Tbh

Talking to elvis via ouja board would have been easier .
John *******
@Richard ********
I have lived internationally for 15+ years. One thing that seems almost universal, regardless of your nationality, it is almost impossible to contact your embassy via phone or email. Best option is to show up during consular hours
Anton ********
@John ******
so maybe just UK embassy is like this. I called once and they responded immediately
John *******
@Anton *******
- I guess you are lucky then. In Cambodia, it is the UK embassy that has been by my account the worst, especially during early days of COVID.
Anton ********
@John ******
I think almost noone from Slovakia travel/stays here, so they have not too much work
John *******
@Anton *******
Anton ********
@John ******
oh yes, it's country in Central Europe , I though you from UK not US to not know 😅🤣🤣🤣 (sry, just joking)
John *******
@Anton *******
- No, I know where Slovakia is, and have been there previously. I just didn’t understand how it was part of the current conversation
Anton ********
@John ******
u said " One thing that seems almost universal, regardless of your nationality, it is almost impossible to contact your embassy via phone or email."

- me : maybe only UK embassy like that, when I called Slovak embassy ( since I have Slovak nationality ) they pick up phone immediately
John *******
@Anton *******
Nah, you said “So maybe just UK embassy is like this. I called once and they responded immediately”. You never made mention of Slovakia. Since you reference UK in the first sentence, it is implied it is referenced in the second,
Greg ******
Check with the embassy of the country of issue for how to get a new passport.
Sue **********
New passport for starters
Damo ***********
Well… maybe go to Immigration Office and explaining your situation could be an option.
Keiton *****
@Damo **********
Nooo way!!! It's much better to share it on FB and wait for it to be fixed from the comfort of sofa 🤔🤔
Richard *********
@Damo **********
was.going to the local office in the morning I'm.leaving well before the 60 days. So hopefully no issue . Have bordering passes and everything else. .
Brandon ************
@Richard ********
you can't go in the morning. Tomorrow is a holiday
Damo ***********
@Richard ********
all your records will be on electric file… should be no problem 🙏🏼
Angus *********
Details are held electronically- if you're leaving before or on the 60 days - imo a non issue. Stuff gets wet 👍
Michael ********
@Angus ********
my passport was damaged by water also , caused a lot of problems, as passport control, airlines etc cannot except a damaged passport for obvious reasons, so would go to your embassy as soon as you can.
Michael **********
@Michael *******
I thought you only need the photo page with your passport number all clear to travel 😉
Arnold *****
@Michael *********
is that true because I thought so too since the American one has that page in hard plastic
Michael **********
@Arnold ****
worked twice for me
Tim *******
@Angus ********
Still should notify his embassy and replace. Airline can refuse him.
Angus *********
@Tim ******
if he's going to notify anyone it should be Thai Immigration before check in.
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