After obtaining your Non-B visa, whether you are inside or outside of Thailand, your next steps involve either entering Thailand or proceeding to the Ministry of Labor if you are already there. From the Ministry, you will pick up your work permit and then discuss your job expectations with your employer. It's important to distinguish between the types of visa conditions, such as the 90-day reporting, which only applies under certain circumstances. If your visa is a single-entry Non-B, remember to apply for an extension when your 90 days are nearing completion in order to continue your stay.
Tod *********
Sorry, I wanted to add this. I think you are confusing two totally separate things. A 90 day report <- that you do on an extension of stay when you've been here 90 days AND a TM30 (notification of foreigner in residence) <- that you or your land lord files with the immigration office within 48 hours of getting back into the country at your home address.
While you don't do 90 day reporting on the Non-B visa you have you or your landlord SHOULD go to the immigration office and file a TM30..
Tod *********
You are confused. There is no 90 day reporting to be done on a Non-B visa. :/
If it's a single entry Non-B when the 90 days is running out you apply for an extension at the immigration office and after you get that THEN you start 90 day reporting.
If it's a year long, multi-entry Non-B visa you only get stamped in the country for 90 days at a time, before you have to exit/re-enter the country. You never stay long enough to do a 90 day report.
Cancel it and go home? 🤷♂️ Just kidding, congratulations!
Robert *******
No idea, there is no 30 day notification and a 90 day stay inside Thailand report can not be done using this type of visa as he is not allowed to stay any longer than 90 days.
thanks! My concern is the 30 days notification, what should i do?
Reply to
Ryu ****
Robert *******
if you're outside Thailand make your way into Thailand, if you already inside Thailand, make your way to the Ministry of Labor in the area of your employer, pick up your work permit and after that listen to what your employer expects from you in exchange of some salary.
Robert *******
no, just follow the rest of the passengers and pass Immigration, they will give you a stamp to stay 90 days inside Thailand.
But I guess you ask when you have to report after arriving at your private address. Within 24 hour AFTER arriving at the address.