What is the current process and requirements for entering Thailand under the visa exemption scheme?

January 7, 2021
4 years ago
Len *********
To anyone who is planning on going to Thailand under the visa exemption scheme.

This is the normal 30 day stamp that was issued to qualifying countries that could enter Thailand without a visa. This was suspended in April 2020.

This has now been recently reactivated and now to cover quaratine. They have added another 15 days.

You do not need to visit an embassy to get this exemption as it is done when you go through immigration.

All you need to do is apply for your COE from this website.

[members only] and select non Thai option.

Ideally do this from a computer and use a scanner or a good phone camera if you have one. You will need this for passport photo page.

Once you select your language you will have 3 drop down menus.

First one is select your country of origin.

Second one is select your embassy.

Third one is select the option medium term visitor - Visa exemption.

If you select Medium term visitor - TR then you need to get a visa.

But as this is the visa exemption you do not need to go to your embassy or consulate but just complete the first part of your application filling in your personal details. On the agency part. Leave it empty. This is only if an agent is doing this for you.

Once you done that. You will be requested to upload documents.

The first part is your passport. Just scan or get a good clear photo of your passport photo and save this to your computer. Ideally have this on your desktop. Find the passport photo and then when you have selected it click on the upload button. It is like an upside down T with an arrow. You need to click this to upload the photo of your passport page.

Second part is attachments for further consideration. In this area you upload your return flight eticket and highlight all your flights on this. They want to see you have a flight to return home. Upload this.

Also find in your insurance policy wording the following.

You are covered for the amount your policy covers you. That it covers you while in Quarantine and also says this covers you for covid 19. Scan this section and highlight this. Upload this.

The third and last is upload your insurance policy document that has your name, DOB, policy start and finish. Medical amount cover and also the full insurance policy wording.

Once that's all done. You should get an email confirming they have your application.

You will get a 6 digit number.

If you get en email rejecting your application. They will usually state why. They rejected mine due to flight ticket. So what I did was highlight my flights which in my case was London to Doha - Doha to Bangkok and the return flights from Bangkok to Doha and Doha to London. But please highlight this so they see this.

Go back to the website and click check result and put your passport details in and just add your first name and surname. Do not put middle names in and then your 6 digit code and correct any issues.

In the end they accepted my application.

Then you need to get your ASQ Hotel booked, paid for and get from the hotel your confirmation letter that you have paid with all your booking details etc

This will be the key piece of info for the second and final part of your coe.

Go back to the website and click check the result. Put your passport number, first name

Surname and 6 digit number.

When you get to the second part of the application complete the required details and then upload your ASQ confirmation letter and upload it. The other documents you did in part one should be there and once you check everything is good. Save it and you will get another email to confirm they have it and eventually you get your COE.

Also as advisable look up on your respective country embassy page and find the part where it states the visa exemption is back in force as some people have been held up when checking in at the airport. So have this available to hand. This link is for the embassy in London but clearly states this

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The vienna embassy also states this

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The visa exemption scheme in Thailand allows travelers from qualifying countries to enter without a visa for up to 45 days, following recent updates that reactivated this exemption. Applicants must apply for a Certificate of Entry (COE) online, providing necessary documents such as a return flight ticket, proof of insurance covering COVID-19 and quarantine, and hotel booking confirmations. It's crucial to highlight flight details on the return ticket and ensure all application materials meet specific requirements to prevent rejection. Travelers are also advised to check with their respective embassies for the most current information to avoid complications at check-in.
Irina **********
do you know if you enter on 30 day visa exempt can you then extend your visa while in thailand?
April *********
Martin **********
What happens, if you book a quarantaine hotel in Bangkok and after the quarantaine, you need to go to your destination, out of Province, in the case of my girl-friend, Pattaya? Will be the leech of the house, with ehr name on it, and the papers provide by the hotel be enough, or is she stuck in Bangkok? She comes out of quarantine in 6 days, we are very nervous.
Len *********
@Chris *****
here is the link.


Also this video will also help.

Chris ******
@Len ********
cheers Len, appreciated
Len *********
@Chris *****
your welcome.

It is quite long winded to explain everything but when you do the uploading sections on the COE. Just have all your required files on your computer so you know where they are.

If you do not have a scanner for your passport photo. Take a good clear photo of the passport page and there are no flash reflection distorting the image and upload on the passport section. If your applying for an actual visa like TR or STV. Also scan the visa as well and upload in the passport section. But in my case I did the visa exemption so no visa was needed.

Section 2 which is attachments for further consideration. Upload your confirmed return eticket. Screenshot the part of the insurance wording to highlight covid cover, the amount of cover and also if it covers you while in Quarantine. As I have a note 10 phone I can use the pen to point this out.

Then the third part which is very important is upload the actual policy summary which has all your details like name, DOB, Medical coverage (lets say $10million which is way above the US$100,000 coverage), the start of the policy and end of the policy.

Then you should have a document which is the full wording of your policy stating your cover which also highlights covid coverage like the screenshot to did for section 2 but this is the full policy which they can read.

It is trial and error. If you complete it and you get a rejection email. It will tell you why.

When I did this my eticket was the issue. So I highlighted every section of the flights and date of departure, flight numbers etcI had which were departing and returning back to the UK. Eg LHR DOH, DOH BKK, BKK DOH, DOH LHR.

Hope this helps.
Chris ******
Len Channon thanks for all the info Len, so when you get all of your documentation together who do you give it to, and who will want to see the fit to fly certificate and swap test
Len *********
@Martin *********
once you finish your quarantine. The hotel should give you paperwork to confirm you have completed quarantine and you should also have the test results of the two negative RT-PCR tests whilst in quaratine.

As to going to Pattaya. I am not sure what the process is at present when crossing between provinces as from my knowledge in the past, they might ring fence Pattaya and only let people in who have an actually need to be there.

Unless she lives there and can provide proof, then they will let her in.
Martin **********
@Len ********
she is on the rental contract
Len *********
@Martin *********
then should not be a problem. Just watched Pattaya news. People are still going there.

Matteo ****
If they pulled the no visa entry before you flew, you would be fucked. Better to apply for a TR visa for more assurance of entry in my opinion.
April *********
Len *********
@Matthew *******
until 22nd September 2021. But yes I agree it could happen but right now they need visitors.
Matteo ****
@Len ********
for peace of mind I will pay the $60 😅
Ray *****
@Matthew *******
in reality they could stop TR visa as quickly as they could stop the other option.
Matteo ****
@Ray ****
its just about the playing the odds mate. Nothing is guaranteed in this time, but you can always do everything you can to increase odds in your favour.
Len *********
This is from my insurance policy. So use this part in the attachments for further consideration. Just clearly highlight the medical cover, the quaratine and covid 19 cover. This is usually in your policy wording.
Chris ******
@Len ********
thanks for the info Len, can you please forward this to me please Len so I can send it to my girlfriend
เด่ ******
And does this part work to get COE ?
Len *********
Then in the insurance policy section you put the insurance policy summary which has your policy details and also the full policy wording. It worked for me.
Len *********
@Tae ******
yes when I put this in as attachments for further consideration. I screenshot this part of my document to show the policy wording which includes the cover amount, being in quarantine and covid 19.
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