What is the current limit for taking face masks out of Thailand for personal use?

April 2, 2020
4 years ago
Dianne *****
Can anyone tell me whether people leaving Thailand are still permitted to take a personal supply of masks with them? And if so, how many? I thought I read that 30 was the limit (seems a lot to me)
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TLDR : Answer Summary
As of the latest information, travelers leaving Thailand are allowed to take up to 30 face masks with them without needing any special documentation. If a traveler has a medical certificate, they can take up to 50 masks. This limit is in place to ensure that travelers can have face masks while abroad, especially amid shortages in other countries.
Terary **********
Trump just took a couple hundred thousand.
Mark ******
I just asked a friend in Melbourne - she has been trying to buy masks there & they are just not available. Bear in mind that if you are going to Oz, you will be staying in quarantine for 14 days in a hotel room with no opening windows and food delivered (all paid for by the government), so you won't need too many masks at least for the first two weeks. And yes, the limit for taking out of the Land of Smiles is 30. :)
Stu **********
Mostly all out of stock now actually. Got that email a week ago. New stock not expected until JULY...
Stu **********
They're still available. Just expensive AF for a disposable respirator
Stu **********
Made about 15k AUD in a week. Before the virus was on most people's radar. Now the price just basically quadrupled and they are selling in 2 or 4 packs rather than 10 n 20 packs, to discourage reselling or dropshipping them
Stu **********
I dropshipped thousands of them a few months ago
Stu **********
Limited stock.
Stu **********
Mark ******
Looks like the shortage is pretty much Australia wide then, so probably the same in Canada
Dianne *****
@Mark *****
thank you for your answer. I am not leaving Thailand, nor taking masks anywhere, but I do have friends in Queensland and Perth who can't find masks anywhere so I responded to others assumptions that masks were readily available in Australia. I asked because I have a friend (who is not on facebook) leaving for Canada, and we were discussing how many, if any masks he was permitted to take for his long journey with multiple layovers
Garrett ***********
Guys let's not be jerks, it's a simple question.
Dianne *****
Thank you
I asked in this group as it is usually supportive and helpful
Ivan ************
"The new restriction spares travellers who need face masks while abroad. Each traveller can carry up to 30 masks per trip. If they have a medical certificate, the limit is 50 masks per trip, Mr Whichai said."


I don't believe this has changed, you are allowed take 30 with no documentation. I saw this number on a poster in the airport around 2 weeks ago.
Garrett ***********
Yepp, 30 is the limit you can take out of Thailand. If they stop you at the airport for having 35 in your suitcase is another question.
Mark ********
Didnt realise there were so many a**holes contributing answers today.
Reiner *********
We need them here ....so run away and by them at home !
Steven ***************
Again. Big difference between not available and short supply. If people bought a months supply instead of hoarding them(remember the toilet paper fiasco?) There wouldn't be a temporary shortage..

It's the surgical mask supply that's super low. Factories are already boosting output and converting to meet the demand in Aust.
Dianne *****
@Reiner ********
what is the difference between someone buying a personal supply here and using them here or buying the same number and taking them with ie those masks would still not have been available to anyone else here
Steven ***************
Dianne Lee. Bollocks . Easily available in Oz.
Reiner *********
Sure they can.....because your government is responsible for that not the Thais
Dianne *****
I think that's the issue though, many people cannot buy them in their home country
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