What is the limit on GBP cash that can be taken out of Thailand?

September 7, 2024
16 days ago
Barry ********
Hello is there a limit of gbp to take out of Thailand is £1000 ok
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TLDR : Answer Summary
In Thailand, you can legally carry out £1,000 without issues. The general limit without needing to declare is $20,000 USD or its equivalent in foreign currency, which translates to approximately £15,000. Specifically, travelers can carry up to 500,000 THB if carrying Thai baht to bonded countries, but only 50,000 THB to other destinations. Most comments confirm that £1,000 is well within the allowable limits. Some users humorously mentioned their experiences with regulations but stressed the importance of being aware of customs rules about currency limits.
Nigel ********
Amel *********
NO, NO, and NO. stop repeating the limit is $20k. It has been lower many years ago to $15k (in or out of the country) - see the legal link:
Stuart ********
I got and searched at Stanstead, I had £40..immigration thought I was money laundering
Greg *********
I never been checked before. I was never stopped even to look at my luggage
Mdl *****
I think you've a 10 thousand pound limit for cash you can take , its easily clarified
Jake **********
I took 5k initially
Charles *****
100 % ok 1000 pounds is small money in 2024
Rudi *********
1000 pound is nothing here... Lady's don't care about it because of the way you have to take care of yourself too
John *******
Barely get off the ground with those funds not worth going stay home
Brian *********
Supposedly 10k for returning to UK without declaring but if stopped they may want to know the source of the income for possible money laundering
Ben ***************
My bank card says no 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ivan *********
Rap £50 note's around your manhood no one will ever know lolz
Ivan *********
Out or into Thailand
Ken *****
When I was there, I used to take 20 k, every time I went back.

Never got checked.

I thought that was the limit.

So lucky it seems.

Any English notes with pencil pen marks on.

They won’t change them,

So go through them,

Need clean.
Ray *********
@Ken ****
any foriegn note with any marks the banks wont touch, money changers are a different story plus better rate.
Ken *****
@Ray ********
I found even the money changers in bangkok, struggled with the old English notes.

Maybe the new wax ones it’s different.
Bart **************
There is a limit, but with 1k you're on the right side of it.
John *****
Straight to nana lad. Spend that in an hour
Jeff *******
@John ****
As it's now 90% ladyboy at Nana they'll fight you for it!
Gregor **********
Thai Customs:
Wayne ******
I have 12 seed words memorized, do you know how many k that is that I travel with?
Gary *********
I believe you can carry up to £10k without declaring through the airport but don’t quote me, Google may help on that
Lee ***********
10k is the normal currency limit to carry
James ***********
Jeez ok money bags
Ivan ************
The limit before you have to declare for foreign currencies is 20k USD or equivalent. That's £15k at the moment. You can take above this, just have to declare it. THB limit is much lower, 50k THB other than to neighbouring countries.
Anthony ****************
You can take 10 thousand anything more you are supposed to declare
Mark *******
You can take up to £ 10.000
Travis ********
£1000 is not a lot of money if you gonna shop in Thailand
Tin **********
Peter **********
@Tin *********
According to wise.com:

The same rules apply for taking cash out of Thailand as for bringing it in. You can take up to $20,000 USD or the currency equivalent out of the country.1

If you’re carrying Thai baht, you can take up to 500,000 baht to any of Thailand’s bonded countries and up to 50,000 baht to any other destination.1

Take anything above that sum, and you’ll need to make a customs declaration.
Barry ********
@Tin *********
out of Thailand?
Tin **********
Barry ********
Kraig *******
You can take 10k USD without declaring

This is standard for a majority of countries.
Wayne ******
@Kraig ******
Correct or they will have some Freedom and Democracy delivered to them. 💁🏽‍♂️
Ivan ************
20k USD or equivalent foreign currency for Thailand, and you can take more than that if you declare it. The limit is lower for THB, 50k other than to neighbouring countries.
Peter **********
@Kraig ******
What are the limits? According to Thailand's official rules, you can bring up to $20,000 USD or the currency equivalent into the country before you have to declare it to customs. If you're bringing Thai baht (THB) into the country rather than a foreign currency, the most you can carry with you is 500,000 THB.

Jeff *******
If you put more in your wallet how would they know? Have you ever had your wallet searched?
Aad *******************
@Jeff ******
o i see other people speak about 20.000 dollar .. just check it out
Aad *******************
@Jeff ******
dogs … they smell it .. you can bring 10.000 euro no problem ..that is allowed ..
Erik ***********
@Jeff ******
what kind of answer is thar? He asked if he can legally carry 1000 pounds to Britain. Great to be informed about the siffer-dogs, though. Any special breed I should look out for. Cheers, I mean no harm I just want people to read the question before they answer. Have a good one! (Yankee for all the best)🌴🥸
Mdl *****
@Erik **********
they dont specify breeds to specific contraband , one retriever might detect drugs, its sister might detect explosives , then a springer might detect money but her brother might detect food , you know
Russell *******
@Erik **********
Cocker spaniel
Jeff *******
@Erik **********
Its humour though as I understand it Norwegians are just behind the germans in the no humour league!
David ***********
@Jeff ******
in the UK they have sniffer dogs at the gates, if caught you have to prove the money is yours or leave without it.
Jeff *******
@David **********
Take some bonios!
James *******
No, please leave it in country.
Ning ******
£1000 is ok
Nicholas ******
I took 7000
Kev ********
That’s fine.
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