What documentation do I need to bring medication for isotretinoin and contraceptives when traveling to Thailand?

May 13, 2022
2 years ago
Blair ********
Hi all !

Can someone please advise. I am travelling to Thailand next week and was wondering what documentation I need to take medication with ?

I am on isotretinoin prescribed by my dermatologist and as such also on a contraceptive pill.

I am planning on being in Thailand for around 5 months, 2 months tourist visa then a 30 day extension and then a border hop.

My question: how many months of medication can I take with ? What documentation do I need to take with ?

Thanks for your help 🌈
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Travelers to Thailand needing to bring medication such as isotretinoin and contraceptive pills should ensure they carry a sufficient supply to cover their stay. The general guideline is to bring medication for the duration of their visa or travel, typically not exceeding 60 days without proper documentation. It's advisable to keep the medication in its original packaging along with the prescription or a letter from your doctor, especially if traveling through countries with strict medication regulations. Many commonly prescribed medications are available over the counter in Thailand, reducing the need to bring excessive quantities. It's recommended to verify with your airline regarding any specific rules, especially if your itinerary includes connections through countries with stringent regulations.
Brad *********
Aslong as the prescription is in its original packaging with the original sticker with your name etc on you'll be fine but if it's a grade b or A narcotic like a opioid you have to declare them also becareful what countries if any you have a connecting flight as all countries are different and while may be legal at your destination may not be legal in the transitioning country and could cause problems so I'd ask the airline as again all airlines operate differently
Luciano ***********
If worried about documents ask your Dr. For a letter
Rach *****
Most contraceptive pills are available over the counter. I have no problems buying mine.
Kratos ******
Just check with your airline and the rules if you have any connections thru the Middle East.
Arndt **************
@Kratos *****
Mine is all covered so I brought 5 months but I learned as they say you can get most prescription drugs here
Blair ********
@Kratos *****
I do have a connection through Doha- do you think there will be an issue ?
Blair ********
Will do ! Thank you for your information 🙂
Kratos ******
@Blair *******
they let me continue on afterwards
Kratos ******
@Blair *******
I had an issues before flying thru Doha due to having 6mos worth of meds. I had to show my prescriptions that clearly stated the amounts.
Blair ********
@Kratos *****
okay I do have my original scripts with a letter from the doctor. Do I keep the medicine in my carry on or in my checked luggage ?
Kratos ******
@Blair *******
I had my meds with me in my carry-on. But call your airline as they might have a better way to travel with larger Quantities of meds.
Blair ********
Thanks everyone for your responses ! 🌸
Bruce *****
Take a couple of months supply and you will find you can buy it over the counter and very cheap
Garrett ***********
Unless you're bringing a narcotic you won't have any issue.
Jameena *****
If the brand of contraceptives you use are available here, you can get them over the counter. No need for a prescription
Edna *******
I traveled recently with three months worth of five scripts in carry on. No questions no problem.
กะลาสี *****
Many drugs are available over the counter here, without a doctor's prescription. Three of the most common chain pharmacies in Thailand that come to mind are Watsons, Boots and Fascino. If I were you, I'd do a little research on the web and see if you can buy your meds while you are here. There's even a chance that they may cost you less money, especially if you are from the US. Cheers!
Chris *******
You can always buy more over the counter if needed, in most cases.
Bobby ********
Have you checked to see if it's available in Thailand?
Janine **************
Do you suggest if we need other medication that we bring it and what would you bring that you can’t get ? Will get prescriptions anyway?
Shaun *********
@Janine *************
you can get it in Thailand. I get mine over the counter you don't need a prescription off a doctor for what we call prescribed medication in the UK.
Russell ********
I brought out six months of medication didn’t ask a thing
Graham *********
The rule is as much as your entry ..so 60 days for you...how ever its on the day if you get stopped with more..make sure you have the prescription for the amount you carry..
Shaun *********
Take as much as you can in your suitcase that goes in the cargo luggage. I’ve travelled to Thailand many times with medication and had no documentation or declared it. Carry the prescription paper you get from the pharmacy if it’s ever quizzed.
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