What are the requirements for renewing a Retirement Visa in Thailand without using an agent?

Oct 1, 2024
22 days ago
Dave ********
Today I was pleasantly surprised when I went to renew my Retirement Visa in Surin. I didn’t realize that being single, you don’t need to have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank to show proof of funds. You need to have a Thai bank account and provide immigration with a certified bank statement covering a 1 year period showing that you transfer 65,000 baht per month to a Thai bank from a bank which you can draw funds without penalty…I have always used a visa services in the past so I was unaware of the requirements. In and out in less than an hour…..1900 baht + 1000 baht for a 1 time multi- entry in case I want to travel home.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user shares their experience renewing a Retirement Visa in Surin, Thailand, and discovers they do not need to hold 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account as long as they provide proof of monthly transfers of 65,000 baht from an overseas account into a Thai bank. There are comments regarding the reliance on agents for visa purposes, alternatives like affidavit letters for income proof, and requirements for various visas, such as transitioning from Non-OA to Non-O without the need for a large bank balance.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Nongnuch ********
@Dave *******
you NEVER paid only 1000.- THB for a multi re-entry permit. One thousand Baht will buy you a SINGLE re-entry permit. A multi re-entry permit would set you back 3800.- Baht
Dave ********
@Nongnuch *******
correct….my mistake….I purchased the single-entry
Michael *******
He got tied up between one time and multi entry , no such thing - so he got a one time re-entry
Michael *******
That’s what he said if you read his response carefully had to admit I had to do a double take.
Michael ***********
As far as I know for long term retirement visa .. first year application is done in your country of origin .. after approval , 1 year renewals can be done in Thailand
Michael ***********
All the requirements for each visa type are listed on the Royal Thailand website ..

If you require an agent that is your personal reference.. all my questions were answered directly by the embassy . There is no second guessing . This route was the route I preferred.
Ralphy *****
So what is requirements to extend 12 months 2nd time
Robin ********
With the volatility of the world , if still available I'll be using a certain agent that sorts it all including proof of the 800k . So leaving my cash at home earning interest 😁
Michael *******
I earn 25k pa here in interest and don’t pay the 25k to an agent , and risk being kicked out if agent screws up, my passport never leaves my sight……everyone to their own. Perhaps there is a 7% deal out there, cant be arsed with trying to find it, and enjoying peace of mind here in LOS
Willem ****
Agents will mostly not tell you the easy options. They make sure you keep using their service.
George *********
@Willem ***
yes, year after year. Cos you have to show money after the previous visa and if use an agent the money is out of your account in hours
Willem ****
@George ********
But some not even need the money. They can get a verified income statement from their embassy. But the agent will not tell you that.
Pascal *****
multy entry is not 1000 thb but 3800 🇹🇭
Vee ********
You just gave me valuable info being I am single!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽📝
Steve *********
I'm moving to Thailand next year indefinitely, I'm considering both options, an agent or do it myself, however my fear is getting the 800k back to the UK if and when I want to come back to UK, is there likely to be problems 🤔 TIA
Judy **********
@Steve ********
No, use Dee Money to transfer back home.
Dee ***********
Can I ask some advice

Can pm me if you wish to chat about renewal
George *********
@Dee **********
Sukhumvit soi 43, Bangkok bank will be the easiest option
Dee ***********
@George ********
thank you George I really appreciate it I
George *********
Are there some people on this forum trying to entice people to use agents? Why not do it yourself? I know that interest rates are low in Thailand. But I still pay my 1900 baht a year at immigration.

I prefer to do the right thing. Not circumnavigate the Thai immigration rules.
Andy **********
I'm sure some money goes in the back pocket, don't be bitter because you have paid tax all your life 🙏😉
Andy **********
They are not "receiving money" illegally from anyone, what they do with that money is their concern, i don't know about Thai tax paying businesses.
George *********
@Andy *********
really? Do you imagine they declare the income?

You are naive
Andy **********
@George ********
okay you can tie up the ฿800k and it doesn't bother you, (me making an assumption) what about that person that has a pension coming in, but most of his/her money is invested, and they are getting a good return (this person is on a budget) that person is obviously not poor and can take care of themselves, and got more than enough money to live on, so why shouldn't they "circumnavigate" the unnecessary rules, and get a Thai visa using an agent, to live in Thailand happily ever after, it is something that thousands of people do every year, it's not doing any harm to anyone else, otherwise I wouldn't say it is acceptable, a lot of these people are enjoying a well earned retirement, that wouldn't otherwise be possible, can you blame them??
George *********
@Andy *********
I don't like agents receiving money illegally. That's why.

Do they pay tax on their income?
Graham ******
@George ********
Do the Immigration Officers declare the donation and pay tax on the bribe? That's where the illegality occurs.
Marco *******
@George ********
That's exactly what I intend to do too. I hate having to pay other people when we have the right to obtain these visas on our own.
Steve **********
Sun shines thru the clouds eh.

A bit late, ...but
Brian **********
If this was the first time that you have gotten the 1 year extension, without using an agent, without having the 800K Baht in the bank, I’m surprised that you weren’t denied, due to not having the funds in the bank, for the durations required.🤔

I’m on the first year of a non-OA visa.

I thought that I could convert to a non-O visa, next year, based on having deposited a minimum of 65K Baht/month, but have been advised, on forums, that I won’t be able to do that.🤔

Any advice?
Andy **********
@Brian *********
Stuart Cumming I'm aware in this instance, he said he didn't have the ฿800k in the bank, but anytime anyone mentions using an agent, everyone jumps on the bandwagon, saying you will be tied to them forever!! But I have met people that did have the ฿800k in a Thai bank, but just used an agent for the first year, simply because they didn't want to deal with the Thai bureaucracy of the immigration office, needing to have all the extra documents for the first year of applying for the non O, and then the 12 month extension, after that they did it themselves, by using the 800k or the monthly method, nobody ever talks about that. 🤷
Stuart *********
@Brian *********
It’s not possible to convert from a Non OA to a Non O in country. You either do your year extension based off the initial Non OA and need the required medical insurance or you leave once you have completed the Non OA and return to get a “clean” Non O without the need for the insurance.
Brian **********
@Stuart ********
Exactly, but yes TIT😂

I’ll, ask at my local Immigration Office, early/mid next year, and see what they say.🤷🏻‍♂️🤞
Brian **********
@Stuart ********
yes, I worded it badly. I understand that I would need to exit and re-enter, after my non-OA has expired.

What I was questioning, was that the OP appears to have obtained an extension of stay, on his non-O visa, using the monthly banked method, immediately after having used an agent, without depositing the 800K Baht.

Having used an agent, any money that was deposited by the agent, (on a temporary basis) wouldn’t have met the requirements for the OP’s previous extension of stay. 🤔
Stuart *********
@Brian *********
Yes I agree that part is strange as normally once you are on the “agent gravy train” then it’s usually impossible to get off without exiting and coming back with a “clean” stamp to do extensions. Except TIT. And each immigration office has their own rules and perhaps his one didn’t care.
Jan ******************
@Brian *********
You can’t convert a Non O-A visa into a Non O visa. You’ll have to leave, cancel it and re-enter on visa exemption or tourist visa and apply for a Non O from scratch in country or apply at an embassy/consulate outside Thailand.

Non O-A gives you up to two years in Thailand if you update your health insurance and after that you can apply for yearly extension of stay on the same conditions as a Non O visa, but you’ll need to maintain your mandatory health insurance also for your future extensions of stay.

For the first year you’ll need to prove 800K baht and for your second year you can switch to the income method by showing proof of twelve months consecutive transfers of minimum 65K baht a month.
Brian **********
@Jan *****************
yes, I understand all that.

I’m questioning how the OP appears to have obtained an extension of stay, on his current non-O visa, using the 65K Baht/month basis, immediately after having used an agent ; and without having banked the 800K Baht.🤔
Jan ******************
@Brian *********
Agree if that’s the case. Normally not easy to just jump off the agent-train without leaving and apply from scratch if formal requirements aren’t fulfilled for previous extensions.
Marco *******
The Italian Embassy in Bangkok (and also the Consul in Chiang Mai) issue certified income declarations that are needed to obtain visas translated into English and Thai. Before relying on "agents" or transferring funds to a bank account in Thailand I will follow this path. Before transferring funds to a country with an overvalued economy and currency and with an out-of-control debt that about 90% of families have I will look for this solution.
James *******
Well done on not understanding the rules.
Stuart *********
@James ******
So you understand the rules for every country you’ve ever visited?

If you’ve got nothing to contribute why comment?

Is there a typo in this comment too?
James *******
Please stop being so angry.
Stuart *********
@James ******
I’m certainly not angry. I just fail to comprehend why on one of my answers you thought you were the grammar police and “corrected” me on my not needed correction and then went on to belittle someone for not knowing some of the rules of the country they are living in. Presumably promoting yourself as some ethical being that knows all.

It’s not anger. Just puzzlement why you even bother to post.
James *******
@Stuart ********
i'm cumming i'm cumming?
Stuart *********
@James ******
That possibly would have been a funny joke if I was 12. I’ve heard all the jokes that my surname could invoke since then. Mine originates from a Scottish Clan.

Do you know where your surname originates?
James *******
@Stuart ********
no, I was adopted. Altough I think my grandparents were slaves.
Stuart *********
@James ******
we will leave this discussion at that.

Although you never did answer why you made the comment of “you’re” from a previous answer.

Perhaps you thought I’d forget. Please explain your thought process on that one.
James *******
James *******
Stuart *********
@James ******
Look in a mirror. Repeat those words.
Michael *******
Nice not to have to depend on low life agents 😊
Damien ********
@Michael ******
agents are not all low life’s .. many people don’t care about $20 k or whatever to have an agent do all the work

Also agents help with all sorts of visa types , licenses, bank accounts , work permits , business registration and many other services .

They help a lot of people

Some agents are sharks but some are good
Michael *******
@Damien *******
they feed corruption and create an expectation that makes it hard for those of us who are compliant - example , DLT in phuket who have created a 3 month backlog for those who won’t pay an agent/bribe - so we drive to Phang Nga and get same day - a nuisance but WTF some of us will. or feed the dragon
Andy ************
@Damien *******
But the same people who are happy paying 20k to an agent will go into meltdown over paying 300 baht to enter a national park! Go figure
Stuart *********
Andy ************
@Stuart ********
400 baht they don't meltdown, they go into epileptic fits.
Stuart *********
@Michael ******
Depends on how you look at things. Some people prefer to pay approx 20k to an agent year in year out to have them take care of the hassles.

Some like to DIY and pay 1,900 baht per year. Except they tend to not to factor in the cost of keeping 800k in a Thai bank with pretty much zero interest versus what they could get in overseas investments.

Even using Wise to transfer over 65k per month will cost about 5k per year in fees - much more if using bank to bank transfers in most cases.

So your 20k of paying an agent is now only around 13k. (5k for transfers 1.9k for extension) Add in the amount of time you physically spend ensuring that you have got all the requirements that this years extension is going to need and the worry that when you get to the immigration office that something may go awry.

Low life or a service?
Michael *******
You can be sure the same agents will be lining up to milk the folks who are non tax compliant and can’t renew their visas the gravy train continues 😐
Kirsten *********
also as of this year our bank transfers into the country are taxable if we’re here 180 days plus. So … that’s
a year on bringing
in. If you don’t need
to live and many people don’t, 20,000 for help with the visa might seem a good option?
Andy ************
@Kirsten ********
I bring in over 65k per month from pension so it's not taxable.
Stuart *********
@Kirsten ********
The tax implications are a whole different level of concern. I’m no expert on those. Many countries have a dual tax agreement with Thailand so you shouldn’t be taxed twice on money brought in but you’d need to consult with an accountant or tax expert on that.
Andy ************
@Stuart ********
Yes the 65k transfers cost about 5k per year. So what do those using an agent actually live on if they're not transferring any money?
Stuart *********
@Andy ***********
The proceeds of their investments from not having to leave 800k in a Thai bank for a year. Or Bitcoin perhaps. I don’t know.
Stuart *********
What they live on is an irrelevant question compared to costs of using an agent versus DIY. Someone investing smartly with overseas funds of US$25k (800k Thai baht) could easily cover the $600 (20k Thai baht) agent fee. Someone may only need to live off 30k per month and doesn’t need to transfer 65k. I’m just pointing out that an agent fee may be more viable for some than others.
Andy ************
@Stuart ********
Yes many live very cheaply. I guess those living on such small monthly amounts couldn't afford the 800k anyway. I agree the 800k is ridiculous. Aussie super pays around 10% tax free which would easily pay for an agent, but I've no idea what these people live on if they're not transferring any money.
Dave ********
@Michael ******
yes, I should’ve done my homework in the past. I was charged nearly 20,000 baht year after year….. agents would transfer 800,000 baht into my account for a few hours. I was never told about the 65,000 baht per month option. Live and learn. My mistake
Kirsten *********
@Dave *******
be aware now that transferring that
in per month makes you liable to tax. So the tax for one year will be
Nongnuch ********
@Kirsten ********
if you prove that you had huge savings BEFORE January 1, 2024, you don't have to pay any tax to Thailand
Nick ************
@Kirsten ********
not if it is savings that you held before the end of last year.
Nongnuch ********
@Nick ***********
correct, however you need to prove that, and your documents need to be legalized by your embassy and co-legalized by the MfA
Michael *******
@Kirsten ********
not entirely true circumstances differ case to case lots of alowances avail , I have got it down to 20k and that’s offset against tax I pay in UK due to DTA
Alastair *******
@Kirsten ********
be careful saying that! There are so many qualifications that you shouldn’t say it!

People - if you are concerned get proper taxation advice!
Terriann ******
@Dave *******
you actually had an agent that put that much money in a bank for you? I meet the income retirement visa. I just don’t have that much in savings. I have been in and out of Thailand since Jan 1st. I have a feeling they are not going to give me another extension because I have been here for 6 months in a one year time period.
Graham ******
@Dave *******
The 800k is only needed for the first year if you cannot get the Embassy income affidavit
Stuart *********
Depending on your nationality (if your country’s embassy will issue an affidavit of income) then you don’t need any money in a Thai bank. You use that as proof of funds.

If you are from the US, UK or Australia (and probably others) then they will no longer issue those so you have two options.

The first application for a Non O visa and then year extension you need to have 800k in a Thai bank account in your name to get them. Even if you had previous 12 months or more of overseas deposits you have to use the 800k method.

After that you can choose to keep 800k in a Thai bank (2 months prior and 3 months after application and can’t go below 400k for the rest of the year.

Or have 12x monthly international deposits of 65k or over. Once the funds hit your bank you can spend at will and there is no requirement for a positive balance - just that you have at least 12 months of 65k. Be aware that if for some reason like exchange rate drops or whatever and you are 1 baht under the 65k for just one month then your extension would be refused.

Also be aware that if you paid 1,000 baht for a re-entry permit then it is a SINGLE re-entry permit, not multiple. You can use it one time only.
James *******
Stuart *********
@James ******
Sorry I don’t understand where you are trying to play grammar police here. Did my phone autocorrect on something I wrote?
Melissa *********
@Stuart ********
I can not find your typo either hehe
Stuart *********
@Melissa ********
Perhaps they are thinking I should have replaced “you are” with “you’re“
Melissa *********
@Stuart ********
hmmm or maybe they incorrectly thought your usage of possessive your was meant to be the contraction you’re. I guess we will never know. 😀
Stuart *********
@Melissa ********
Oh wow. Above my pay grade….
Jan ******************
It’s always been 800K baht for your first year (unless your embassy offers to provide you an affidavit letter regarding income) and 800K baht OR twelve months consecutive transfers of minimum 65K baht. Welcome to the real world without an agent.
John ********
@Jan *****************
Agents need to earn a living and if it's convenient for some, I don't understand why some Farangs seem to make such a big issue about anyone wanting to use an agent. U2T
Jan ******************
@John *******
Nothing against agents who earn a living and do a fair job for a reasonable price, but there’s always a bounce of agents willing to “help” you for 20-30 000 baht by doing a job with real cost 1900 baht and you’ll need to provide most documentation yourself, or agents who are even willing to lend you some money for some days so your whole stay technically is illegal. And you see here, OP’s agent didn’t even advise him fairly be telling him the other option with the income method because he could lose a client.
John ********
John ********
@Jan *****************
Oh! I wasn't aware there was illegality and corruption when dealing with the system in Thailand.
John ********
That means up to them 😂 U2T
Peter **********
Peter **********
That means Ik heb geen idee wat je bedoelt 😉
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